
  • Campus News Briefs

    CKUW exceeded fundraising goal; New joint programs; Wesmen Women Volleyball players recieve honours; Faculty of Business and Economics open house; Tuition tax deduction form has new process

  • Que sera sera

    Unfortunately for the Wesmen Women’s Basketball team, their playoff run came to a close this past Thursday, Feb. 25 and Friday, Feb. 26. The Simon Fraser University Clan quickly took leads in both games and eliminated the Wesmen easily and painfully.

  • Is Facebook the new spitball?

    It must be discouraging to give a lecture to a bunch of students who are plugged into Facebook or Twitter and not paying attention. And while one may assume that professors would completely despise such social networking sites and blame them for cultivating a crop of lazy students, this is not necessarily the case.

  • Campus News Briefs

    Flash Mob at the Forks; Gender fair extravaganza; Math prodigies in Winnipeg?; Afghan humanitarian speaks at university; Filmmakers wanted

  • Students have the power

    Although university procedures are complex and at times difficult to understand, students are not powerless against the system. In fact, the right to make appeals is a right many students do not know they have.

  • It’s playoff time!

    Whether you’re a basketball or volleyball fan, you can look forward to some exciting playoff action from both Wesmen teams starting Thursday, Feb. 25. The Wesmen women’s basketball team and the Wesmen men’s volleyball team will be working hard in the next week at playoff games in B.C. to bring glory back to the prairies.

  • Take a tour through the curvy and creative McFeetors Hall

    Last fall, McFeetors Hall: Great-West Life Student Residence became the new home for 159 students and community members. The building – whose primary donors are University of Winnipeg alumnus and CEO of Great-West Life, Ray McFeetors – has dorm rooms to accommodate 172 students, as well as 25 apartments for community members and their families.

  • Campus News Briefs

    U of W staffer wins award for community service; U of W grad studies joins national networks; Undergrads get paid; Open house Wednesday, Feb. 17; Class Ace V helps students

  • Cisco deal puts U of W in the technological lead, but not without questions

    Students may have noticed that they have to log in to access the University of Winnipeg student Internet network. This is new Cisco Systems technology and is just a small taste of the outcome of a multimillion-dollar deal between Cisco, the U of W and the provincial and federal governments.

  • ASC prepares for annual Spring Pow wow

    The Aboriginal Students Council (ASC) is hard at work fundraising for its eighth annual Spring Pow wow to be held on Friday, Mar. 12. Although their request to the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association for additional funding for the event was denied, Pow wow co-ordinator Courtney Berthelette expects to be able to meet the costs of the event.

  • U of W owes province $8.8M for vanished pension surplus

    The University of Winnipeg is looking to increase revenues and reduce operating budget costs over the next 40 years to pay back an $8.8 million provincial government loan.

  • A series of great games

    If you weren’t at the Duckworth Centre this past Friday, Feb. 5, you missed some great games.

  • Duff has the stuff

    The Wesmen Women’s Volleyball Team headed off against the Manitoba Bisons on Feb. 3, both teams looking for the win to get the playoff spot.

  • Sad end to hope for the playoffs

    The 2ndplace Regina Cougars men’s basketball team beat out the Wesmen team this past Friday, Feb. 5.  Despite the setbacks the Wesmen have encountered this year of losses, they put up an incredible battle and made Regina fight for their victory.

  • U of W to offer Manitoba’s first disability studies undergrad degree program

    After 10 years of planning, the University of Winnipeg is introducing Manitoba’s first Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s in Disability Studies degree program. The program, which is expected to begin accepting students in the fall term of 2010, will be a joint venture with Red River College (RRC).

  • Grappling with grad school

    Between fighting off the back-to-school blahs and struggling to stay on top of readings, all university students know that January can be a challenging month. But for those grappling with graduate school applications on top of their studies, things can be even tougher.

  • Campus News Briefs

    Grant supports U of W’s Eco-Kids program; CKUW’s FUNdraiser; Business icons donate $4 million to U of W; What do you think of your school?; Women & Justice theme to social justice fair

  • Still no luck for Wesmen Men’s basketball team

    Friday night, Jan. 29 at the Duckworth Centre the University of Winnipeg Women’s Wesmen Basketball team played a tight game against the University of Lethbridge Horns.

  • One down, one up

    Winnipeg Wesmen Women’s Volleyball action kicked off Friday, Jan. 29 in British Columbia at Simon Fraser University (SFU). The Clan and Wesmen headed off in a panic room of five sets. Sonia Rossy and Ariel Smith of the Wesmen led their team with a combined 30 kills, while SFU’s Colleen Douville and KJ Fridfinnson added their combined 25 kills.

  • Men’s volleyball rookie proving to be a key player for the Wesmen

    When the Wesmen Men’s Volleyball squad announced last March that Matt Schriemer had committed to the team, head coach Larry McKay had high hopes for their new recruit for the 2009-2010 season.

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