
  • Confessions of a festival apprehensionist

    I have a confession to make. It’s something that I’d find embarrassing to admit in any context. I’m particularly bashful sharing it in the pages of the first Uniter festival guide since 2019. But if I’m going to be writing about festivals, I have to fess up.

  • The return of the Summer Festival Guide

    Manitoba might have a reputation, among both Manitobans and outsiders, as a sleepy corner of the Canadian Prairies. But it’s getting harder for detractors to keep the truth under wraps: Manitoba is party country.

  • Awakening the city that always sleeps

    Last summer, West Broadway residents witnessed the unceremonious replacement of the neon-lit windows that framed a neighborhood diner with the tinted coverings of a new cannabis store.

  • Disgusting disasters

    On Feb. 7, a pipe carrying waste from Winnipeg’s southwest neighbourhoods to the South End Sewage Treatment Plant failed. The damaged pipe leaked raw sewage into the Red River near the Fort Garry Bridge.

  • The war and the people

    It has to be said that what happened wasn’t anticipated. I vividly remember the news announcing the state of emergency. My parents and I started preparing our basement to act as a shelter, and my sister had evacuation training at school, where they would have to go to the nearest bomb shelter upon hearing the long bell or air siren.

  • What lies beyond the perimeter

    Winnipeg is a crime-infested cesspool, where danger lurks around every corner – especially downtown.

  • Outdated and out of touch

    Manitoba has one of the highest rates of teen dating violence in the country, according to a recent Statistics Canada report.

  • That’s all, folks!

    It’s the end of another publishing year at The Uniter. It’s not, however, the end of the academic year at the University of Winnipeg.

  • The isolation/freedom dichotomy of self-employment

    I quit my office job last June in what I thought would be a liberating, career-boosting move. I expected to bask in the freedom of self-employed work, but instead it left me feeling isolated.

  • Commuting through enshittification

    I spent many of my formative years speeding down the information superhighway, hanging out, making friends and getting into trouble. Like a digital version of the teens in American Graffiti or Dazed and Confused, cruising through cyberspace was a liberating experience connecting me to a new world of possibility.

  • Take a break

    My friend Lasha has been telling me for weeks that I need to slow down.

  • Constructing peace of mind for patients

    At least I didn’t have to wear one of the sandwich-board signs.

  • Seeing Winnipeg with the right eyes

    One of the things I love about learning Winnipeg’s history is how much vibrancy it adds to how I experience the city. As I learn more history, certain areas and places take on greater significance, representing the overlap of historical continuums.

  • Letter to the editor

    Across myriad cultures on Earth, there exists a myth referred to as an Ouroboros. In the majority of cultures in which it exists, it functions as a representation of death and rebirth; depicted as a gargantuan serpent doomed to forever chase and consume its tail. In modern, Western usage, the serpent has come to embody a once-great institution, now fallen and struggling to recapture its place of greatness.

  • Be kind, rewind

    Sad news came out of Transcona this week when owner Glen Fuhl announced that his business, Video King, would be closing after 40 years.

  • Who’s afraid of nuclear power?

    In 2023, the German government announced that it had finalized the process of decommissioning its remaining nuclear reactors. The phase-out is the result of Energiewende, a decades-long strategy spear-headed by Die Grünen, Germany’s Green Party.

  • SUVs, Winnipeg’s apex predator

    Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV) are quickly becoming a consumer favourite in Canada, with sales tripling in the last 10 years. They have ample cargo space, high seating with great visibility, and, according to ecologist Andreas Malm, you should deflate the tires of each one you see.

  • You really like me!

    Like many movie nerds, I spent this past Sunday evening watching the Academy Awards. Curled up on my couch with a bowl of popcorn, I settled in for what is essentially my Super Bowl.

  • Physician, heal thyself

    One’s relationship to their family doctor is a weirdly personal one. On paper, it’s professional, with its own legal dynamics and bureaucracy. But it’s intimate. Your doctor knows more about your body than anyone else. Your life is sometimes literally in their hands. If you’ve had the same doctor since childhood, it can be one of life’s longest relationships. So when your doctor fails you, it’s more than a professional slight – it’s a deep betrayal.

  • Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

    Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault caused uproar over the last few weeks after he announced that the “gov- ernment has made the decision to stop in- vesting in new road infrastructure.”

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