
  • A fantastic voyage

    On Jan. 28, 2012, after a two-year battle with cancer, accomplished Canadian canoe adventurer Don Starkell passed away at 79.

  • When it comes to dating, there are no rules

    If you’re someone who follows my blog or that guy who looks over my shoulder on the bus while I text, you know that I am now seeing someone.

  • Breaking through barriers

    According to the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, the number of visa students on Canadian campuses reached 70,000 full-time and 13,000 part-time students in 2006.

  • Passing it off

    Sport and mental wellness have always had a complicated relationship.

  • The many faces of addiction

    Generally, when the word addiction comes up, it is used in reference to someone else.

  • Unintelligent design for dummies

    I am so sick of hearing about the “debate” between evolution and “intelligent design,” as if those are the only two possible options to explain how we as humans ended up the way we are.

  • A nice day to start again

    The University of Winnipeg has some important decisions to make in the wake of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s recent offer to hand over its historical downtown location to the institution.

  • Girl, you know it’s true

    So as a comedian and lover of dorky cartoons/laser tag, I end up making a lot of guy friends.

  • Another one bites the dust?

    The debate on the importance of Crown corporations reached epic proportions this fall with the dismantling of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), which was a Crown corporation until 1998.

  • Digging the bitumen out

    In one of my most talked about radio interviews to date, Saint Boniface Conservative MP Shelly Glover took me to task over my use of the term “tar sands” to describe the thick formations of petroleum, sand and clay that cover much of northern Alberta.

  • Girl, you know it’s true

    So as a comedian and lover of dorky cartoons/laser tag, I end up making a lot of guy friends.

  • A permanent loss

    Oct. 26, 2011 was the deadline for developers to make proposals for seven large pieces of prime real estate scattered across Winnipeg.

  • Now is the time

    The number of children in care in Manitoba rose to 9,432 in 2011.

  • The way of the future

    Who will lead the University of Winnipeg beyond 2012?

  • Safe and sound?

    I feel safe in Winnipeg; it’s where I grew up.

  • Spare the change

    All right kids, it’s resolution season.

  • What to make happen

    For me, making resolutions isn’t usually an important part of my new year. However, maybe this is why I end up wanting to finish a million things but not finishing anything.

  • The time is now

    For most gym owners, Christmas actually comes in January.

  • The January blues

    New Year’s Eve has come and gone once more, leaving in its wake a brand new calendar year - along with plenty of confetti and other, less pleasant things to sweep up off of the floor.

  • A quick guide to stereotyping

    You know what I really hate about Mexicans?
    I don’t mean to sound racist or prejudiced or anything like that, but the one thing I really can’t stand about Mexicans is that they’re a very diverse people, which makes it hard to make hurtful generalizations about them.

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