
  • A sacrifice of Olympic proportions

    The Vancouver 2010 Olympics, for some, is a distant memory. For others, the bruises splotched across tattered bodies are only just beginning to fade.

  • When America catches a cold…

    Having just returned from a five-week trip in the United States of America, I have made some observations of our southern neighbour that I think are worth noting.

  • Taking a stand against the Israeli occupation of Palestine

    The beginning of March in Winnipeg witnessed a controversial event called the Israeli Apartheid Week, which ran worldwide from March 1 to 14. In short, this was “good” for some and “bad” for others: good because it gives Palestinians a voice to speak and attempts to break the silence around them; on the other hand, it is bad because it is perceived as a movement that provides a space to promote “hatred against Jews.”

  • An appeal for clarity

    It has recently come to my attention that there is no hierarchy within the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) executive. The president has no sort of substantial authority over the vice-presidents.

  • Faithful priorities

    The role of religion and faith in our lives is no doubt something worth considering and there are two recent issues which deal with the role of God in our lives: that of a six-year-old girl who was abducted and sexually assaulted in The Pas, and that of brain-dead baby Isaiah May in Edmonton.

  • Heeding the Hollywood warning

    As we all know, thanks to John Cusack, the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012 and there’s nothing any of us can do about it.

  • Christianity in 2010: Who cares?

    It is intriguing to say “I am no longer a Christian.”

  • Something borrowed, something new

    The federal Conservative government released its latest budget last Thursday, March 4. From most accounts, it was a document best left not talked about in any great detail beyond its uninspired nature.

  • The streets are green with liberty

    It’s a grey and dreary afternoon here on Portage Avenue. I am sitting in the lounge of the Rinkside Bar and Grill and a deadline looms menacingly over my head. I haven’t even touched my drink yet. Just two hours left now – got to stay focused. Have to finish the article and get this story out.

  • Education brings fear for some current aboriginal leaders

    As someone who teaches aboriginal education to students, the content of my courses includes the devastating effects of colonial policies on aboriginal peoples, such as the residential school system and how it contributed to the loss of aboriginal languages and culture.

  • The lost link between video editing, porn and meth

    In this godless and valueless cesspool we call modern society, it is sometimes difficult to avoid certain temptations. These include drinking to excess, performing lewd acts of pure indecency with a watermelon and a pair of leather pants, or even to taking a penny from the little tray when you don’t really need it.

  • Christianity in 2010: Who cares?

    Part 2 of a 3 part series:

    Christianity was in the news this month when it was reported that Youth for Christ, an evangelical social-service organization, plans to build a $11-million youth centre at the northwest corner of Main Street and Higgins Avenue.

  • Same old song and dance

    The City of Winnipeg released its 2010 preliminary operating budget on Tuesday, Feb. 16. To no one’s surprise, it holds the line on property taxes for the 13th year in a row. In fact, during Mayor Glen Murray’s term, there was a slight decrease in property taxes.

  • Stupidity in the cyber-age

    Once, in elementary school, a friend of mine was sitting by himself in a corner of the playground pouting. I walked over and asked what was wrong.

  • I bet this turnip can get more fans than any print article

    It’s exciting to see really big numbers. Just look: 514,989,150, 976.43. That’s the amount, in dollars, of the Canadian national debt according to the Canadian Taxpayer Federation on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010.

  • Attachment issues

    A few weeks ago, my Internet and cable service provider stopped calling me and it really freaked me out.

  • Getting all a’Twitter about the Facebook problem

    Alright people, admit it. We’ve slipped at some point or another.

  • Confessions of a borderline tweetoholic

    Twitter is unique in that the popular site has its own language.

    According to (the Twitter dictionary), “twitter-ific” is defined as something being extraordinary and positive, and is a combination between the words Twitter and terrific.

  • Christianity in 2010: Who cares?

    Part 1 of a 3 part series: Christianity was in the news this month when it was reported that Youth for Christ, an evangelical social-service organization, plans to build a $11-million youth centre at the northwest corner of Main Street and Higgins Avenue.

  • The changing nature of ‘gay’

    When an out homosexual character on a prime-time sitcom exclaims, “Can you have him paint us something a little less gay?” it sounds like being gay isn’t entirely about sexual orientation.

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