
  • How about an environmental action plan?

    Canada’s economic action plan is in full swing, with signs appearing everywhere to alert us of impending bicycle paths, highway improvements and other infrastructure developments.

  • Support and encouragement from total strangers

    The Manitoba Marathon came and went this year, in a burst of avid and amateur runners. On June 20, 13,686 participants crossed the finish line at the University of Manitoba’s stadium.

  • Entering the vagina/vodka dialogue

    I heard recently from a friend that there’s a new trend popular with teenaged girls which involves them soaking tampons in vodka and inserting them into their vaginas. This way, they believe, they’ll get drunker faster.

  • Running: everybody’s doing it (and for good reason)

    So this week, I’d like to provide a detailed description of the “runner’s high” to hopefully entice all of you into taking up the fun and exciting pass time of running.

  • Just forget about the Jets

    Bring back the Jets? We need to get our priorities straight.

  • Censoring the debate, or just the left-wing?

    After decades of militarization, occupation of Palestinian territories and disrespect for international law, it’d be a noteworthy task for the Israeli government to be any more repressive of opposing intellectual opinions.  But they managed to show the global community that they could do so, and they did so this time by refusing to let Noam Chomsky into their nation to be a guest-lecturer at the West Bank Birzeit University.

  • A letter to the city

    Dear Winnipeg, How I wish that you and I could work things out. I wish I could get through to you, instead of being met with resistance. You have so much potential.

  • Stealing time at work

    What is time theft? You could be doing it right now as you read this in your lab or your cubicle. And you could be getting caught.

  • My Winnipeg versus your Winnipeg

    Sometimes I wonder if I live in a different Winnipeg than other Winnipeggers.

  • Is nothing sacred anymore?

    Manitobans are cowards and I am one of them. I know this because I am already regretting writing that first sentence.

  • Hitchhike your way to happiness

    If you’re tired of working a job, living in a city and taking showers, hitchhiking may be for you.

  • How a freeway could help downtown

    Winnipeg does not have any freeways. For many cities, this would be a legacy of planning that favoured residents and their uses over the schemes of traffic engineers. In Winnipeg’s case, it was simply a matter of money: the city has always been too poor to afford them.

  • Free downtown bus could be so much more

    The bus driver finally looks at me, waits a moment, frowns and opens the door. I get on at an intersection instead of a stop; he doesn’t approve. Either that, or he hates his job and gets upset at people easily.

  • Dissecting (and solving) your transportation concerns… Sort of

    Ever since Al Gore started whining like a little bitch, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the best way for us to get around without clogging up the atmosphere with carbon emissions or clogging up the streets with horse poo.

  • Thinking about running for mayor? Don’t.

    Circle your calendars folks, Winnipeg’s next civic election will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010.

  • Greece’s economic turmoil

    When you put together a $486 billion deficit, sweeping cuts to the public service, fiscal conspiracies with Goldman Sachs, widespread police brutality and wage cuts, the situation is right for a growing movement aimed at anarchist revolution.

  • The selfishness of religious charity

    A few weeks ago, my father and I had a rare debate about religion. The debate began when my father, who is a Christian, expressed his view that religious people are inherently more charitable and selfless than atheists.

  • Priding ourselves

    I have discovered a newfound sense of national pride and patriotism after Canada’s tremendous success at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. I am sure many Canadians have had similar feelings.

  • Incommunicado no more?

    Imagine lying on your back, aware of questions being asked of you, but completely unable to move and speak. As recent studies show, this is the reality for some vegetative patients. They are literally trapped in their own bodies. Now, there may be reason for hope, as advanced brain imaging is being tested as a means of communication.

  • The merits of muzzling the media

    If you are alive, like many others, you are probably well aware that the world is shit and life sucks ass.

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