
  • Don’t ya put it in yourself

    Menstrual cups aren’t one-size-fits-all. Countless articles weigh the size, shape and feel of the most popular models, and some writers talk about finding the “Goldilocks cup” – the one that fits just right.

  • Outdigenous

    It’s an exciting time to be an Indigenous artist.

  • New Names, Old Names

    We’re beginning our new rotation of columnists, and I look forward to sharing their first pieces over the next four weeks. 

  • NDP leadership race seems to be devolving

    The Manitoba New Democratic Party will elect a new leader on Sept. 16

  • A break in the bustle

    Early September’s a busy time, on campus and off. Around the U of W, halls are more crowded, bookstore lineups stretch out longer, and pudding seems to be flying off the shelves in Riddell Hall. 

  • Shuffle or shell?

    Cabinet shuffles were in political vogue in August.

  • Accessibility is more than convenience

    People who have chronic diseases and people with disabilities can share certain barriers, such as a lack of accessible parking.

  • 72 for U

    We’re back for another amazing year at The Uniter - it’s our 72nd, if you’re counting human or newspaper years, and our 14th, if you’re counting dog years. This is our annual back-to-school issue, so we thought we’d go for a lighter-hearted, upbeat cover story.

  • Discover summer

    When it comes to summer festivals, we have an abundance of choice here in Manitoba.

  • How’s Winnipeg?

    “So how’s Winnipeg?” is the question my friends back in Calgary keep asking me. I moved from there to here five months ago, in November, which is widely regarded as a curious move from both Calgarians and Winnipeggers alike. I always skirt around the question, mainly because it’s a pretty complex answer I’m still figuring out.

  • This dump is alright

    When searching the words “Winnipeg is” on Google, the first three phrases to appear were “a dump,” “a death sentence” and “frozen.” The fourth phrase, however, was “a great city.”

  • Dry Wit

    “What can I drink there?” can be as big a question for sober folks as it is for anyone else, but our take on the answer is a little bit different. 

  • Reviewing Winnipeg

    For the Urban Issue, The Uniter is reviewing facets of Winnipeg itself.

  • Mix it up

    This, our last regular-ish paper of the year, is somewhat unconventional.

  • Can’t miss a target that doesn’t exist

    Both the Winnipeg city council and the Manitoba provincial government announced budget cuts that will see 2017 public services scaled back, as well as hiring and wage freezes for those employed by both levels of government.

  • How to be a better ally to women

    Gender is fluid, and not some clear-cut Venus versus Mars binary, but many issues tend to disadvantage those who present as women. So the distinction is important, and, as a general rule, women feel men can be better allies in the work of ending gender-based inequities and violence.

  • Dry Wit

    Most of the times when I’ve really, really wanted to drink, it’s not the alcohol that I crave. I’m chasing a feeling of belonging. Drinking seems to magically grant that gift to everyone else, so why can’t I have some, too?

  • What’s in a job?

    We’re hiring another position for the fall – and perhaps some of you are wondering, “Why does The Uniter hire so often? Is there some nasty secret here in the basement of the Bulman Centre that drives aspiring writers and journalists away?”

  • Gendered entertainment needs to go

    There’s a system of sexism in how entertainment companies advertise based on gender stereotypes. This happens prominently among game companies and on TV, especially in media targetted at youth.

  • Uber not a silver bullet for Winnipeg’s taxicab issues

    Many Winnipeggers are dissatisfied with the local taxicab industry and feel Uber and other similar companies are the answer.

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