
  • Outdigenous

    Before I get down to business, I just want to confess something: I am in no way affiliated with CanLit. 

  • Going on 30

    This week’s paper is our last regular issue of the year, but we’re already hard at work on a special treat for you next week.

  • Speak out

    On Nov. 22, along with QPOC Winnipeg and Black Space Winnipeg, we'll be hosting the first Uniter Speakers Series event of this season.

  • Transit Troubles

    Winnipeg Transit has experienced a near comedy of errors following complete disownment by the provincial government, which used to cover half of Winnipeg Transit’s costs.

  • Crystal Clear

    People may be familiar with common diseases and illnesses like diabetes, asthma, cancer, cerebral palsy or epilepsy. However, the disease that I live with is not well known or talked about very often, if at all.

  • When you’re having fun

    It’s hard to believe we’re three-quarters of the way through what we call “fall” already.

  • Two spirit & QPOC creatives write back

    On October 20-22, 2017, the University of Winnipeg hosted a weekend conference, “C2C: Two-Spirit (2S) & QPOC (queer People of Colour): A Call to Conversation with LGBT and Allies.” 

  • Halfway to somewhere

    Earlier in October, the Parker Wetlands were bulldozed, and a lawsuit was filed against 49 of the land defenders who had peacefully occupied this historic Métis land and ecological zone.

  • Putting ourselves together

    Sometimes it can feel like the word “community” is used so much that it’s become a feel-good buzzword.

  • Sexy breast cancer campaigns trivialize real issues

    Pink ribbons are back on the news, on the feet of NFL players and even on plastic wrap dispensers. And just like they are every October of late, breasts are on display.

  • Outdigenous

    In 2015, a shy Anishinaabek woman embarked on an exciting new journey to explore new destinations. 

  • It’s 30 time!

    On Nov. 30, we’ll celebrate your favourite people, places and things, but first, we need your votes to determine the winners! 

  • Death traps and debt traps

    One Winnipeg city councillor has declared “all-out war” on illegal rooming houses occupied by students.

  • Some extras for U

    Like many others on campus, we took a week off from our usual routine. But we’re back to producing The Uniter on a weekly basis again, with a few extra flourishes.

  • Amazon wants a piece of city’s subsidies

    As Sears sets to abandon the southwest wing of CF Polo Park, local politicians seek the attention of digital retail giant Amazon.

  • Crystal clear

    I live with a physical disability as well as a chronic illness. Both of these terms are fairly well known, but I still encounter confusion from many people about what they mean.

  • Uniter IRL

    One of our goals with The Uniter is to start conversations that aren’t happening in other publications, and to tell stories that open up new spaces for learning and discovery.

  • Cult of personality

    The political process is seemingly slipping away from policy and legislation and toward celebrity culture. 

  • Halfway to somewhere

    As I walk the length of Centennial Hall, a burning sensation is forming in my bladder. A need to pee! I suppress this bodily function too often, but here I am saved! A gender-neutral washroom is midway down this hall, and, as I lock the stall door, I am thankful that this time I won’t be forced to choose between a binary that I’ve never been able to fit into.

  • Be our boss

    Who runs the news?

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