
  • What’s that sound?

    Writing about music can sometimes feel like threading a needle with a live catfish. 

  • Watch your words

    Another day, another Trumpian scandal comes across the airwaves. It’s the sort of thing that has been in the news a lot for the last year - which is concerning enough in itself.

  • A challenge

    Somewhat unintentionally, there’s a bit of a theme going through the issue this week. 

  • Mental Health is not wealth

    Starting in 2010, Bell Let’s Talk has begun a $100-million campaign centred around breaking down the stigmas surrounding mental health. Further, jack.org, a campus-centred organization also began in 2010, with the goal of increasing awareness of mental health and mental illness

  • Start listening to female sportscasters

    When CBC announced their English-language broadcast team for the upcoming 2018 Olympic Winter Games, one seemingly subtle change went almost unnoticed. While Brenda Irving was the sole woman to call play-by-play for CBC during the 2016 Olympics, this year, she’s joined by another female commentator, Signa Butler.

  • Tip abolition is not the answer

    A recent minimum wage hike in Ontario has Manitoban students hoping they’re next. Wage hikes go hand-in-hand with the tip abolition movement, a development unfavourable to servers

  • Halfway to somewhere

    Refugee claims are a pressing political subject these days. With millions of people at risk of being displaced by rising sea levels within the next century, this is an issue that won’t go away anytime soon.

  • Speak up

    Another campus-based newspaper, The Manitoban was in the news recently as a University of Manitoba Students’ Union councillor introduced – and then withdrew – a motion that would challenge the student levy funding the paper’s operations. 

  • The importance of net neutrality

    In December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States voted in favour of repealing the net neutrality regulations that had been in place for several years.

  • Outdigenous

    It’s a wildly known (if unproven and untested) fact that the coolest and most cultured of all arts lovers are the music lovers, and the coolest and most artistic of artists are musicians.

  • Moving beyond the page

    In these pages, we do our best to tell the stories that aren’t being told in other venues, but sometimes these stories need to move beyond the page. And in the coming weeks, we’ve got two events that hope to do just that.

  • What is accountability, anyways?

    People are getting “outed” all over the place. Winnipeg, among many cities, has “name your abuser” lists on Facebook and in bar bathrooms.

  • Comments and comics and boards, oh my!

    We’re a little over halfway through the production year, but we’re not slowing down any.

  • Charitable contributions need to consider end user

    Donating items that one may not need is encouraged, but it is crucial to ensure that those items have not reached the end of their useful life.

  • Crystal Clear

    As a kid, I was in and out of the hospital so often that the staff became family. I also missed a lot of school. Despite my health, my elementary-school years were great.

  • Fresh starts

    After a little December break, we’re back in action with a very colourful issue for you.

  • Halfway to somewhere

    It’s the end of November, and if you are as busy as I am, this time of year will be characterized by long hours spent studying in tucked-away corners of the library or days spent staring blankly into the dull glow of a computer screen.

  • Uniter 30 outtakes

    In tallying the votes for this issue, one of the greatest joys and greatest challenges is going through all the reader submissions

  • Your very own 30

    This issue is for you, and by you, according to readers’ votes.

  • Pot plans should benefit more than a chosen few

    Information on how marijuana retailing will work in Manitoba has been billowing in since the announcement that pot sales will be a “hybrid privatization” with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries distributing to private retailers.

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