
  • A Low Carbon Diet

    Winnipeg is a city that was built on the expectation of cheap and unlimited fuel and land spreading out over the prairie landscapes.

  • Overcoming academia

    No lecture prepared me for the shift from disillusioned academic to young working professional.

  • Calling in call out culture

    “You’re trash, human garbage.” I see these words, dehumanizing in any context, far too often on social media.

  • Crystal Clear

    It’s almost April, which means 4-20 is on its way, and most fellow marijuana enthusiasts know exactly what that means.

  • A work of heart

    For this, our last regular issue of this production year, we have some really strong contributions from our volunteers - both visual and written.

  • Regarding Vulture Culture

    In her book Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag challenges the supposed authority of the photograph in transmitting the pain of others, reminding that a photo is fixed by a frame and that it always already contains a point of view.

  • Currying Favour

    Since his election and consequent wane in popularity, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been the butt of countless jokes and memes, the most amusing of which were generated during his recent tour of India.

  • Outdigenous

    Well, well, well. A year has come and gone, and this is my last article for The Uniter! Writing this column has truly been a wild ride from start to finish.

  • Spring into summer

    It may seem a little hasty to start talking about summer just a few days past the spring equinox with snow still falling and collecting on the ground. 

  • Bodies as burdens

    Society has labelled persons with disabilities and neurodivergent people as burdens for the past several centuries. 

  • Crystal Clear

    With the holiday season passed and spring on its way, many of us have gone to family get-togethers, and many of us have some coming up.

  • Accessing stories

    We’ve got a bit of an accessibility theme happening in this issue.

  • Flailing upwards

    “It can be really exasperating to look back at your past. What’s the matter with you? I want to ask her, my younger self, shaking her shoulder.”

  • Making Room At The Table

    “So, what’s it like being a woman working in the music industry?”

  • Halfway to somewhere

    I’m sitting in a small fluorescent-lit room about to have a conversation I’ve been rehearsing in my head for years now

  • Making the news

    Every Tuesday evening, the editors at The Uniter get together to share puns and review the last week of work.

  • Respect the pronoun

    Recently, someone on Twitter decided to have “Zim/Zer” as fake pronouns in his bio. Based on other content he’s shared and tweeted, it’s safe to assume this is a clear mockery of gender neutral pronouns, like they, ze, zie, xe.

  • Outdigenous

    When white men are in positions of power, is equality and diversity truly possible?

  • Spring for stories

    We’re inching toward the first day of spring, and also toward the end of our production season.

  • Someone tell CBC to stop playing this song

    “Gypsy” is a slur.

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