
  • Who could use a break?

    Just as autumn snuck up on everyone this year (who forgot to tell the atmosphere about normal seasonal temperatures?), we’ve somehow suddenly landed in October.

  • Dumbbells or dogma?

    Routines inescapably govern our everyday lives. How we get dressed, how we commute to work or school, how or when we eat and even how we fall asleep are all mundane tasks that we accomplish mechanically. 

  • Visions of Winnipeg

    This week’s feature story fits neatly into the somewhat nebulous goal we’re always striving for here at The Uniter - which is to tell stories about this city, of those who love it and who are working to make it better.

  • Head held high

    Weed. Jazz cabbage. The devil’s lettuce. Whatever you choose to call it, cannabis is becoming more socially accepted. 

  • Crystal Clear

    A child born with a physical condition like Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) may have the typical childhood dreams of being a firefighter, doctor or astronaut. As they grow, they realize that being in a wheelchair and having a condition that weakens their muscles means they have limitations to what they can do.

  • Into the swing of things

    I hesitate to make sweeping generalizations, but I think that by this, our third issue, we’re really getting a good momentum going at The Uniter. 

  • (Abuse of) power is a many-splendoured thing

    When news broke that NYU professor Avital Ronell and prominent Harvey Weinstein accuser Asia Argento had been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault, respectively, many questioned whether their implication or culpability delegitimized the #metoo movement.

  • New visions for accountability

    Louis CK received a standing ovation after his first comedy set since admitting he forcibly exposed himself and masturbated in front of numerous unconsenting women.

  • Halfway to somewhere

    This summer, I had the great opportunity to do research with the Museum Queeries project – a research collective that looks at queer representation in museums. Through the course of the summer, my research interests quickly veered toward representations of transgender identities and gender non-conformity within archives.

  • Taking care

    There’s a chilliness and a busyness in the air, for those starting a new school year and for those continuing along over the hop of mid-September without any grand changes.

  • Excuse my trust issues

    Despite continued efforts for the University of Winnipeg to diversify, the representation of faculty with disabilities remains incredibly low at the University of Winnipeg

  • Outdigenous

    The leaves are changing, the air is getting crisp (when it isn’t smoke from forest fires), and everyone is gearing up to go back to school! Except me. And maybe you?

  • Fresh faces

    With this issue, The Uniter is officially 73 years old. None of us here now were there when it started, but we do have the archives to remind us of our humble roots.

  • Summertime Sadness

    While summer is, for many students, a time to save up for an eighth of a year's tuition (or five months rent) through the Federal Student Workers Program or Manitoba's Green Team program, for students with disabilities those living with mental illness and neurodivergent students, it is also a time of financial exclusion.

  • For everyone?

    There are a handful of words or turns of phrase that are unofficially banned from our lexicon at The Uniter. 

  • Public waterworks

    Breaking down in front of a boss, many moons ago, was the beginning of the end of my time at my job. 

  • Cottage class

    Whenever I go out to my parents’ cabin at Bel-Air, Man., I make a point of accessing the water directly from my aunt and uncle’s cabin, which is a waterfront property a couple of doors down, by way of the staircase they’ve constructed leading down to the rocky beach.

  • Americans might think we are nice

    Recently, I travelled to Guatemala and Mexico. During my time there, I met a number of individuals who told me I was “a very nice Canadian girl,” who expressed concern for my safety and who asked why I didn’t have a Canadian flag on my backpack.

  • Halfway to somewhere

    There is one space that we cannot escape, that is always with us, constantly mediated by our perceptions of self and how others perceive us. This space is our own body.

  • Water words

    The theme behind this year’s urban issue title, “Streams of Thought,” is water. 

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