
  • Middle of Nowhere

    Even when the misogyny isn’t explicit, there’s an underlying vibe that the archetypical cyclist is able-bodied and masculine.

  • Kittens and corn beer and weed, oh my!

    Certain story topics may seem frivolous or unserious at first glance. But our job at The Uniter is to look beyond the superficial and to inform readers about the deeper meaning and wider impacts of the stories we tell, while also enjoying the work we put into telling them.

  • Invest in mental health

    Manitoba must consider the importance of quality mental health care in the province.

  • What’s in a name?

    The pronunciation of a name and cultural identity are connected. But what about students who no longer identify with their given name and wish it to be changed altogether?

  • Lez be honest

    We still live in a world where being yourself as an LGBTQ+ person isn’t always kosher. It’s a gamble to be out, and you don’t always win.

  • Finding fall work

    It may seem a little early to be thinking about the fall, but we are. We’re currently hiring for five positions that will start in late August of 2017. 

  • Your cool professor probably sucks

    Ableism within university institutions is consistently permitted, accepted and encouraged, and the University of Winnipeg (U of W) is no exception. 

  • Well, That’s Garbage

    I have decided not to congratulate people on weight loss anymore. It’s just too uncomfortable.

  • How we learn

    On the cover this week, we’re exploring more unconventional approaches to learning, but the dialogue around how we learn inside and outside of the classroom continues throughout this issue. 

  • Understanding the case of Vince Li and why he is free

    It’s important to understand the difference between “Vince Li suffering from psychosis” and “Vince Li.”

  • City needs to rise to the challenge of climate change

    The City of Winnipeg is failing to meet its greenhouse gas reduction goal.

  • Seven alternative local tourist destinations for Brian Pallister

    Everyone needs a vacation once in a while, even the premier of Manitoba.

  • Share your voice

    Welcome to our special online-only reading week issue of The Uniter!

  • Behind the cape

    In the early days of comic books, the majority of the characters created were frail, white, male nerds. Cue the modern era, where the majority of comic readers are women of non-Caucasian descent; and these women are hungry for heroes that look like them.

  • Necessary noise

    “People gonna rise like the water, gotta slow this crisis down, hear the voice of my great granddaughter singing climate justice now!”

  • Dry Wit

    It's one thing to stay sober when life is going well. But how do you stay present in harder times?

  • Online and off

    These days, the line between our online and “real” lives can get more and more blurry.

  • CanLit authors must put victims first

    Through November and December, 93 members of the CanLit elite signed a letter shaming the University of British Columbia (UBC) for their lack of due process in regards to the treatment of the Steven Galloway case. 

  • A vision for an anniversary worth celebrating

    This year, The University of Winnipeg (U of W) will celebrate the 50 years since United College became the U of W. The milestone is a time for nostalgia and festivities, but it should also offer a chance to reflect.

  • Middle of Nowhere

    Public facilities for public health

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