
  • We have fun here

    For a weekly paper, when we’re putting together an issue that will be out in the world for a full three months, it’s a big deal! The scope is wide, and we have a lot to tell you.

  • A health crisis of our own making?

    Manitoba is currently in the grips of multiple health crises. 

  • Don’t brush off these 280 characters

    Earlier this year, the provincial government launched a campaign to try and attract nurses to Manitoba.

  • Fractures and bridges

    This year’s capstone issue, the Urban Issue, has a theme of Fractured City. 

  • Ushering in a new era

    The face of politics is quite literally changing. With election season ahead of us, campaigning has paved the way for a number of exciting candidates from diverse backgrounds.

  • Crystal Clear

    As of June 30, 2017, Health Canada approved the first-ever drug for treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which is called Spinraza.

  • The last chapter

    This is it, readers – the final chapter of this year’s regularly scheduled Uniter. 

  • Halfway to somewhere

    The other day I called a crisis line. A volunteer answered: Hi, how are you doing? How can I help you?

  • Feeding diaspora

    “Food is a time machine.” These words by Suresh Doss have been echoing in my mind since listening to Episode 63 (“Eating our way through Toronto”) of the Racist Sandwich Podcast. “It’s a conduit to a certain time and place,” he says.

  • Make/break the rules

    Many of the pieces you would usually find in The Uniter are, by most definitions, on the short side.

  • Addressing the opioid crisis begins with shifting attitudes

    The other day, I saw my first government-sponsored commercial addressing stigma around opiate addiction. 

  • Outdigenous

    “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

  • We’re melting!

    To be clear, the paper itself isn’t melting.

  • The write season

    While The Uniter hits newsstands every week, there’s quite a bit that goes on behind the scenes to make each issue.

  • Get well soon

    Wellness seems to pour from every crevasse of the marketing world currently, from chain health food stores, crystal companies, gyms and weight-loss programs to yoga studios, greeting cards and mental health campaigns.

  • Marching on

    This issue straddles the end of February and beginning of March, a transition from deep winter to end-winter.

  • Intimacy beyond sex

    A lot of talk around sex positivity foregrounds sexuality as inherently a good thing – something to not be ashamed of and even as a way to enact self-love and community-building. 

  • It’s the time

    It’s been a busy time for students in the cold, cold days of winter.

  • Much ado about queer theory

    Strange; odd; peculiar; eccentric. These are the 16th century connotations of the word “queer.”

  • Solidarity in solitude

    In Winnipeg, we wear our winters as a badge of honour. 

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