
  • The rise of the post-MeToo “comeback”

    Earlier this month, Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club announced plans to book American comedian and actor Louis C.K.

  • Cast another vote. No, another one

    Another month, another election gone by. 

  • They’re finally here

    On Sept. 17, 2019, Merriam-Webster added the non-binary pronouns “they”/“them” to the dictionary.

  • Two minutes for interference

    Another hockey season is underway, and, at least for the Winnipeg Jets, this year seems to be fraught with more drama than the last.

  • Crystal Clear

    With the federal election coming up on Monday, Oct. 21, it’s important to understand how a conservative government would affect people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

  • Haunted when the minutes drag

    Every October, as Halloween approaches, Winnipeggers are reminded of the city’s many supposedly haunted buildings. 

  • Halfway to somewhere

    It’s difficult to ask others for help. It’s difficult to admit you don’t even know how to begin fixing a big problem.

  • Celluloid, tape and newsprint

    In 2019, virtually any kind of art can be accessed via smartphone. Whether streaming music from Spotify or films from Netflix, it’s easy to feel like physical media is a thing of the past.

  • ‘Deeper than knives’

    I was 12 years old when a man leaned across the cab of his red pickup truck to yell something I couldn’t quite make out. I might not be able to specify what he said, but I remember the way he slowed down in the middle of St. Mary’s Road to leer at me.

  • City roots

    A few years ago, while working as a research assistant, I stumbled upon a photo of an early version of the St. Boniface Cathedral and the Grey Nuns’ convent. My first thought was: Where are all the trees?

  • Talkin’ ‘bout together now

    Collaboration is key.

  • Breaking Out of the (Polluted) Clouds of Anxiety

    The Amazon forest is burning. This isn’t a hoax, an alternative fact or an elaborate ruse.

  • Feeding diaspora

    In these difficult times marked by heightened feelings of displacement, disillusionment and austerity, it is essential to foster pleasure and joy.

  • Hope, apathy and forest fires

    Manitobans are currently sandwiched between provincial and federal elections. 

  • Halfway to Somewhere

    A few months ago, I sent a message to a high school best friend who I hadn’t talked to in more than five years. 

  • Don’t fear! Volunteer!

    Here at The Uniter, we take our community obligations seriously. Those obligations include telling the stories that aren’t told elsewhere, but it also refers to our role as a learning paper. 

  • Gently loved garments for sale

    In the present climate crisis, buying ethically made apparel can be an act of solidarity. Fast fashion and the relentless cycle of buying and throwing away clothes that wear out within the same year is not sustainable, nor has it ever been.

  • Here we go again

    The new school year is a time of change for many students. It’s a time of change for The Uniter, as well. 

  • Writing in the summertime

    Green leaves are growing back, the city is bubbling with activity, there are more jovial faces on the streets, and there is no need to layer up, because it is nice out! How about channeling all those summer vibes into a place poem or an ekphrastic poem?

  • Summer festivals and sober joy

    Over the last year, I’ve been contemplating the distance between not drinking and being sober, and that gap shows up even more prominently when it comes to summer activities, especially festivals.

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