
  • My first marriage

    “You’re pretty, smart and funny. You’ve been really sweet to me and we have great chemistry. I like you a lot and spending time with you feels natural.”

  • Why?

    This is an open letter to the person or persons who keep breaking into my van - well, “breaking in” may not be the most accurate way of describing it, since I leave my doors open. But I’ll come back to that.

  • Learning to share the roadway

    In May, I spent a couple of days cycling around Manhattan and Northwest Brooklyn. My initial plan, as I nervously set out from my friend’s place in the East Village that first morning, was simply to get up to Central Park with as little time spent on the busy streets as possible.

  • Cohabitation or animosity?

    Although cyclists and bus riders often share similar concerns such as environmental awareness and financial savings, the relationship between the two can be at times strained.

  • Five reasons why I love to cycle

    Riding a bike is awesome!

  • Let’s face it: The Jets suck

    Hi gang! As you all know I normally tend stay away from controversial issues, but this week I have something to say that’s been building up for a while and I need to get it off my chest.

  • So what’s your point?

    What began as a small protest outside of the New York Stock Exchange on Sept. 17 has since exploded into an international phenomenon known as the Occupy Wall Street movement.

  • Taking a brands-off approach

    The walk headed west down one particular block of Corydon Avenue takes one past a sushi bar, some vaguely trendy boutique, a South Asian tandoori restaurant, a candy store and another sushi bar.

  • The total answer?

    Every drunk driving story in the media wrenches our hearts and angers us more than the last. Too often it seems the victims are young and promising - and their lives are cut short because of one individual’s carelessness.

  • Creating a solution

    Perhaps the most important baseline in an economy is energy use. Energy is what makes the global economy go around. Without energy, the transportation, commercial and manufacturing sectors would have a very hard time functioning, and the global economy would face serious challenges.

  • Manmade famine

    Last week kidnappers snatched two Spanish aid workers from the Dadaab refugee camp on the Somali-Kenya border, which put Somalia back in the news.

  • Quit playing games

    If you follow my blog you know that I often struggle with the notion of game playing.

  • Where have all the good men gone?

    Many will have heard that a group of women are organizing an event known colloquially as SlutWalk; the event is in celebration of their bodies, in protest of an outrageous comment made by an official of the justice system, and in support of all those affected by horrifying acts of rape and sexual assault.

  • Violence ain’t sexy

    SlutWalk is coming to Winnipeg – and its message of sexy spectacle is just not good enough.

  • Much ado about charity

    On Thursday, Sept. 29, 35 CEOs “slept out” to raise awareness of homelessness and help raise money for Change for the Better.

  • Goodbye Autobins: Winnipeggers have to own their garbage

    If there is one physical symbol that stands against all arguments in favour of socialism, it’s the Autobin. Autobins hold out in the places where socialist ideals still linger, such as Wolseley, West Broadway and the North End.

  • Here comes the Sun

    I’ve been noticing something for the past little while that has been concerning me: one of the so-called newspapers in our fair city has been spewing anything but.

  • Only shades of green

    Connecting the traditional University of Winnipeg campus with the new addition, the recently completed green corridor serves an important function. There’s no question that this project will create a much-needed link between the two elements of the university, and will add a feeling of cohesion that was previously lacking.

  • Building the taxes

    One issue that was conspicuously absent from the provincial election debate was the possible introduction of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) in Manitoba.

  • Pass it here

    As a sports fan who spent the better part of three and a half years at the University of Winnipeg, I often felt that sports were a taboo subject.

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