
  • The battle over Bipole III

    Nothing seems to anger Manitobans more than the east versus west power line debate. Specifically, Manitoba Hydro’s plan to build the Bipole III transmission line down the west side of the province.

  • An inarticulate discussion of the arts

    Something has really been pissing me off lately and, since I’m not one to pussyfoot, I’m just going to come right out and say it: I’m sick and tired of our goddamn government funding the goddamn arts!

  • The green grass in a (soon to be) white city

    As winter approaches in our cold Canadian city, we’ve doubtless all begun to hear the annual wistful hints by friends and colleagues who say they are considering a radical change in their lives.

  • Conservatives ignore the evidence when it comes to incarceration

    The federal Conservative government’s recent “tough on crime” legislation is having a pronounced impact on prisons, as crowding among prison populations is becoming a more prevalent problem.

  • Manufacturing consent by generalizing dissent

    The Canadian government believes the increasing international criticism of the Israeli government is related to a rise in anti-Semitism.

  • Planning for density, zoning for sprawl

    In October, Streetsblog New York, a blog on transportation and smart growth issues, posted an interesting story about an affordable housing development under construction in Brooklyn called “Navy Greene.”

  • It boggles beans and the mind

    I’ve decided that I’ve been a lazy, good-for-nothing parasite, leeching off of the belly of our society for long enough.

  • The ties of hatred that bind

    Hatred for LGBT* people is spreading like wildfire in Uganda, but many of the arsonists are from North America.

  • Making the leap

    For me, the Oct. 28 religion issue of The Uniter, served as an important reminder of the central role faith plays in all of our lives, even for those who do not identify as religious.

  • Reconciling Canada

    The mandate of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) is to seek truths of the Indian residential school experience and promote reconciliation within residential school survivors and their descendents, and between aboriginal and non-aboriginal peoples.

  • Legalize it

    On Nov. 2, California voters rejected Proposition 19, a ballot initiative that, if passed, would have legalized personal marijuana possession, use, growth and distribution for adults over the age of 21.

  • Splitting the vote

    Change was simply not in the air in spite of an increase in voter turnout from the municipal election of 2006.

  • Treaty Land Entitlement a slow process

    The English word “reconcile” essentially means to settle, harmonize and/or make compatible.

  • The Security Council isn’t the only way

    A few weeks ago, Canada was defeated in its bid for a two-year rotating seat on the United Nations Security Council.

  • Rehabilitation, not punishment

    In 2008, the Global Report on Child Soldiers (produced by the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers) identified 197 countries in which child soldiers were used from 2004 to 2007.

  • Probing U of M’s PhD controversy

    Let me assure you: this is not another article about Vic Toews. That story has been done to death now, and we’ve learned some things from it.

  • Propaganda and a lack of funny: a losing combination

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I fucking hate The Family Circus.

  • Laying the framework for smart energy solutions

    Nearly two decades after the birth of the Internet and the information technology (IT) boom, the same infrastructure, principles and ideas that spearheaded one of the longest economic boom periods ever will be key in making green technology this decade’s technological revolution.

  • Canada needs to decriminalize prostitution immediately

    Out of all the laws in Canada, those which criminalize prostitution are amongst the most discriminatory, harmful and regressive.

  • Gloria in excelsis market

    I’m sure you’ve heard Friedrich Nietzsche’s overused and misunderstood statement that “God is dead.” It continues: “God remains dead. And we have killed him.”

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