
  • Religion no basis for morality

    It has been said that while morality is doing what is right no matter what you are told, religion is doing what you are told no matter what is right.

  • Atheism vs. atheism

    In order to stick with the theme of this week’s Uniter, I’d like to talk about something very near and dear to my own heart: religion.

  • The history of Halloween

    Even those of us who think we are well informed are actually a lot dumber than we think.

  • Vic Toews does not deserve to be honoured

    Last weekend, I finally graduated with my honours degree in sociology. It was a proud day for me, marking the conclusion of a thrilling but exhausting period of my life.

  • Envisioning a city we don’t want

    There are many ideas about how to make Winnipeg the city we want. We can probably all agree that we should avoid doing the wrong things.

  • Give poverty the respect it deserves

    Seemingly, the only two issues that have been debated during this civic election are crime and property taxes. There is no question that these are important issues to some Winnipeggers.

  • Shedding light on scents

    Shortly after a class last week I began to feel horrendous. The feeling lasted the rest of the day – pains in my sinuses and chest, raw throat, and a headache that took hours to diminish – all because someone wearing perfume sat next to me in class.

  • Exploring the morbid side of birthdays

    Birthdays are a funny thing. Once a year, those of us who celebrate our birthdays throw a party to mark the passing of another year of our lives.

  • The downtown is no laughing matter

    Winnipeg has a long history of group segregation. City districts are divided economically, politically, racially and socially. But a few things do unite Winnipeggers, one of which is our regressive views on crime, homelessness and the downtown.

  • Now is not the time to refuse to vote

    As you all hopefully know, we have a municipal election coming up on Wednesday, Oct. 27. I have a few friends who, for various reasons, are planning on not voting or spoiling their ballot. I wanted to share some thoughts.

  • Being smart trumps being tough when it comes to dealing with crime

    With the Winnipeg municipal election nearing, the issues of crime and safety have been at the forefront of the policies proposed by mayoral candidates Sam Katz and Judy Wasylycia-Leis.

  • Crime in Winnipeg: real and imagined

    There are two ways to deal with crime: the irrational way and the rational way.

  • Bears – scary fucking robot bears

    Well, as the leaves change colour from green to gold and red, and the hot summer sun gives way to a hint of winter chills to come, it is clear that autumn is upon us.
    And with the coming of autumn, we can be sure that another annual visitor will be sure to follow. I’m speaking, of course, about robot grizzlies.

  • A question of ethics

    Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty will tell you that if you have money to invest and want to see high rates of financial return, you should invest in one of the “big five” banks in Canada: Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto Dominion, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of Montreal and Bank of Nova Scotia. Investing in Canada’s banks is good because it will earn you lots of money.

  • The Better Voter Series: Rapid transit debate moves at a snail’s pace

    Picture, if you will, Winnipeg with a functioning, successful rapid transit system. To me, the idea seems laughable.

  • The Better Voter Series: This week on the campaign trail…

    This week on the campaign trail…

  • More eco-populism, less eco-chic

    Environmental issues have come roaring back into our psyche after almost two years in the doldrums, evidenced by various reports and magazine articles this summer.

  • The Better Voter Series: Rethinking transportation

    Early in her campaign, mayoral hopeful Judy Wasylycia-Leis vowed to defend the things that make Winnipeg great, a list that included quick commute times. While this particular source of “greatness” came as a result of a flat-lined economy, traffic is slowly getting worse as the city maintains modest growth.

  • Conspiring against a convincing argument

    Dear “new world order” conspiracy believers: please stop preaching divisive propaganda and saying that it reflects the truth of the world.

  • The Better Voter Series: Candidacy changes not for the better

    It is interesting to note that there has been more controversy over mayoral nominations than ever before, at least since the creation of Unicity in 1971.

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