
  • No coke or chicks make rock stars dull as dirt

    The other day, I met a girl who knew who I was.

  • Procreation is a bad idea

    Human procreation is a custom so deeply ingrained in our society that rarely are its ethical implications questioned.

  • Gays for Gaga, Gaga for gays

    There seems to be no larger fan base for pop sensation Lady Gaga than the gay community; they love Gaga, no question about it.

  • A step towards greening the economy

    In November, Manitoba’s NDP government announced its 2010 Throne Speech.

  • Policing the police

    The recent incident of alleged police brutality by a Kelowna RCMP officer is raising concerns about police procedure relating to accountability in cases of excessive force.

  • University of Winnipeg needs a little TED

    With the TEDx (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference coming to Winnipeg in February, perhaps it is time that the University of Winnipeg create an event similar to TED for graduating students or recent graduates to promote their ideas about technological, design, environmental and poverty concerns.

  • One day at the asylum

    One afternoon, during midterms and before the holidays, I walked outside to the entrance of Lockhart for a cigarette.

  • Say no to eggnog

    This week, I’d like to take the chance to talk to you about a very addictive (and, therefore, very dangerous) Christmas treat that has taken me in with its seductive siren song and has, just as quickly, chewed me up and spit me out.

  • Through the political looking glass

    In Cornish legend, supernatural creatures live side by side with humans but are blind to them without some kind of magic aid.

  • Um ... people say things

    A brilliant thought is on the tip of the tongue, waiting to be released. However, it comes too late; already eyes have begun to glaze over and the conversation moves on.

  • Unfounded concern, dumbfounding solution

    It is ironic to note that during the Christmas season when “giving” and “sharing” are so important, 70 per cent of Winnipeggers want to crack down on people who beg for money and squeegee at busy intersections.

  • I’m no doctor, butt…

    This week, I’d like to take the time to talk to you all about an affliction that has taken the lives of too many modern day heroes and has to be stopped. The disease I’m speaking of is Hungry Bum Syndrome (HBS) and it’s killing more and more North Americans every year.

  • Rebooting government and economics

    Our government and business institutions have not woken up to the challenges that are facing them, even after the great recession of 2008 and the verge of economic collapse.

  • Exploring the youth bracket

    Creeping ever nearer is the day when, while absently staring into your mirror, time stops and your first grey hair makes its debut appearance.

  • Accountable to whom?

    Nov. 16, 2010 should be marked among politically minded Canadians as a day in which democracy took a huge blow. This was the day that Bill C-311 was killed in the Senate.

  • Atheism requires no faith

    The meme that atheism requires as much or more faith than the belief in a god is considerably easy to debunk.

  • Look south, left

    Winnipeg’s progressive left community should look to Minneapolis for an example of a progressive city after losing the 2010 municipal election.

  • The Cuban paradox

    Cuba is truly a dichotomy. On one hand, Cuba’s leadership has gone through a gradual decline since the revolution, which has harmed the reputation of socialism, eroded the credibility of leftist philosophy, and constrained the ability for the left to make headway into Western politics.

  • Cyber world belongs in cyberspace

    Reality, I would like to introduce you to cyberspace – a place where the organized and simplified version of me exists. Although advertised as a means for “social networking,” in all honesty, Facebook is just another excuse to dick around and avoid studying.

  • The medium is the message, and the message is a crock of shit

    This week, I’d like to address a subject that might prove somewhat dicey or contentious, given the medium I’m choosing to express it. The subject is the complete bias and corruption of the media.

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