Cleaning out the closet

Keeping your clothes in line will make for a better dressing experience

Many of you may have already put those shorts and sandals away, but with hectic schedules of work, school and making room for a social life, organizing your closet may be the least of your concerns. It’s not such a daunting task as one may think.
Instead of diving right in and throwing your clothes every which way, start out with a plan.

Categorize your belongings in separate containers or bags which you can easily store away or access quickly when needed. Label your containers so you can easily identify what is in each one of them.

There are many designs and closet organization systems which can be bought anywhere, from grocery stores and furniture shops to arts and crafts stores. These usually come with a shelving system which can be altered according to your closet’s size and your preference. Be sure to bring your measuring tape, although many of these closet organizers can be easily adjusted.

IKEA is a great place for getting your closet organized to your own unique style. If you’re looking for a quicker method, try large clear plastic containers which you can store your belongings and easily see.

Proper hangers for your wardrobe are also key in order to keep your clothes wrinkle free (after ironing, of course). Pant, skirt and tie hangers not only keep your clothing in tip-top shape, but save you time rummaging through a pile of clothes last minute for that shirt you swore you had! They can be purchased in bulk at a reasonable price, which is excellent for a large or ever-growing wardrobe.

Footwear holders are also available if you want to neatly keep your shoes; also, inserts are especially great for keeping the shape of leather footwear.

Now that we are well into the autumn season, those tanks and tees have been replaced with sweaters and scarves. But don’t be too quick to entirely banish your summer wardrobe into hiding until next spring. Keeping a few summer pieces can work well with a winter wardrobe.

For instance, summer tanks and t-shirts tend come in handy when layering for the fall season. The darker, earthy-tones of autumn can use a touch of colour here and there, and adding a splash of colour to an autumn ensemble is an easy pick-me-up for those cold, dull days.

Fancier summer sandals can be worked into a festive outfit for the holiday season (indoors, of course!).

Sunglasses are a year-round necessity, since protecting your eyes (and skin) is vital even through the cold winter months. Those fun bright styles of summer can be worked into fall and winter when combined with neutral colours.

If you haven’t worn an item of clothing for a year, it’s unlikely you will anytime soon. So if it’s still in good condition, donate it to a charity or second-hand shop. The general rule goes that if you buy a new item you take an old one away. Just make sure you aren’t keeping unworn clothing which just takes up space.

Published in Volume 64, Number 9 of The Uniter (October 29, 2009)

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