
What is the most memorable concert you have ever attended?

  • Vijay Bhamra, age 21, Studying: Business Administration

    “Beyonce and Jay Z. It was memorable because I sneaked in. I did not pay for it and it was fun.”

  • Aanne Claros, age 21, Studying: Major in Human Rights and Minor in Creative Writing

    “You might find this funny, but I watched Bon Jovi with my dad.… He was singing to every song and he felt like he was young again. That’s different because you don’t get to see your parents like that all the time. They are always mommy and daddy and they are never who they were back then. So that was pretty nice to see.”

  • Evan Wiens, age 19, Studying: Political Science

    “I saw Lady Gaga when she came here last year. Best concert I had ever been to, it was great. There’s a song called ‘Mary Jane Holland’ and...I had a little crown on, a custom little crown I had made, and I pointed at it and she actually waved at me during the song, so I thought that was pretty neat.”

  • Taraneh Andalib, age 27, Studying: Physics (PhD at U of M, research at U of W)

    “I think that was Ed Sheeran this summer (at the) MTS Centre...I just like music in general, so I try to go to concerts as much as I can.”

  • Adam Done, age 30, Studying: Physics

    “There’s a local band from Winnipeg called Under Pressure, and I went to their last concert....There was a lot of excitement. And I remember it was in this basement, and it was just super packed. And it was just like the craziest show ever... It just seemed like the best way to see a band go out, the perfect last show.”

  • Genie Nizigiyimana, age 21, Studying: Business Administration

    “The Beyonce Concert back home. It was memorable because it was Beyonce. I love her. It was fun. I enjoyed it. It was a great atmosphere and just crazy."

Published in Volume 70, Number 15 of The Uniter (January 14, 2016)

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