B.A. Johnston is back to his gut-splitting ways. His new release Hi Dudes! is a testament to music that doesn’t take itself too seriously - something that is hard to find in most independent music today. Johnston’s eighth record comes out just a year after Thank You For Being A Friend. Much like his previous album, Johnston’s sound contrasts between casio-keyboard-induced electronic and folksy acoustic guitar. The Hamilton singer’s lyrical material is no less offensive than his previous releases. This time he takes shots at tattooed “bar stars” in his song Douchestorm. Other lyrical targets are Sesame Street (Sesame Street Fight) and Johnston’s love for TV classic The Price is Right (Showcase Showdown). The potential single Best Day is a standout hit - it’s a song about receiving McDonald’s coupons in the mail. Make sure to not drink anything while listening to Hi Dudes! because it will certainly end up coming out your nose.

Published in Volume 66, Number 22 of The Uniter (March 7, 2012)

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