Whose House?

  • Whose House? Thom’s House.

    Stepping into Thom Fougere’s living room is akin to entering a thoughtfully curated, yet comfortable gallery space.

  • Whose house? Futuremayor’s house.

    Several hundred years from now and several hundred feet below Portage and Main, Futuremayor sits in the dilapidated laser-pyramid known as City Hall. The mayor’s job has changed plenty over the years. Since humans no longer exist, Futuremayor (who was engineered to rule with an iron claw) watches over the vast wasteland that is Winnipeg through a periscope found at the Brady Road landfill. 

  • Whose House? Roland’s House.

    Roland Penner - author, lawyer, retired politician and former Dean of Law at the University of Manitoba - remembers a quote from novelist Nancy Huston: “The scenes of our childhood form the seal of our identity.” The seeds of Penner’s political career, a celebrated one that brought about the first human rights legislation in Manitoba, were planted in his own childhood.

  • Whose House? Jeremy’s House

    Although hardcore punk quintet Comeback Kid was formed in Winnipeg in 2000, only guitarist Jeremy Hiebert and bassist Ron Friesen continue to call the city home. The band, which released its fifth full-length record Die Knowing in March, only features two original band members in Hiebert, and vocalist Andrew Neufeld.

  • Whose House? Andraea’s House.

    It’s a tad bewildering that Andraea Sartison can successfully juggle as many gigs as she does: in addition to being the founder and artistic producer of One Trunk Collective, she works for the University of Winnipeg’s events department, Bike to Work Day, Canzona Choir and The Forks (she was responsible for producing Labour Day weekend’s Barge Festival). She also spends considerable time in the sizeable garden at her home in St. Boniface.

  • Whose House? Alesha’s House.

    Alesha Frederickson is the mastermind and skillful hands behind the local, bespoke lingerie brand March and August. Fed up with ill-fitting, cookie-cutter lingerie at the mall, each pair of M&A Underthings is custom made to order.

  • Whose House? Bucky’s House.

    The first half of 2014 has been pretty busy for Bucky Driedger, the 28-year-old guitarist that, until his career took off with the JUNO-nominated Royal Canoe, fronted the Western Canadian Music Award-winning Liptonians.

  • Whose House? Natalie’s House.

    We (kind of) went inside the home of local cult personality Natalie Pollock.

  • Whose House? Matt’s House

    Matt Sutton wants you to wake up feeling fresh. 

  • Whose House? Rachel’s House.

    Printmaking, painting, collages, you name it, Rachel Boese does it. The Winnipeg artist’s passion lies in visual imagery, however she strives to better the craft education community.

  • Whose House? Nicole’s House.

    Nicole Barry, 35, is the co-owner and CEO of Winnipeg’s Half Pints Brewing Company. After developing a passion for the ‘Peg’s indie music scene in the ‘90s, Barry wanted her beer to be local too.

  • Whose House? Amanda’s House.

    University of Winnipeg student Amanda Jonker likes to keep a full plate.

  • Whose House? Ginaya’s House.

    Everyone and their dog is a “photographer” these days. Whether it’s for Facebook or your weekly (or hourly) Instragram selfie, you know how to point and snap. But, for Ginaya Jesmer, 19, photography is a passion, a career and a life.

  • Whose House? RoseAnna’s House

    Everywhere in RoseAnna Schick’s home there is evidence of adventure. Whether it’s treasures from an extreme nature quest or souvenirs from her many media endeavours, she has done, and is doing, a lot of neat stuff.

  • Whose House? Scott Nolan’s House

    You know when you love something so much that you want it all the time? Scott Nolan has definitely done that with the creation of his own backyard music studio.

  • Whose House? J. Williamez’s House.

    Jeremy Williams, better known as J. Williamez, is a Winnipeg musical comedian. 

  • Whose House: Rusty’s House

    Dana “Rusty” Matyas recently let the Uniter into his home to show us all his cool stuff. The 33-year-old Winnipegger is a video game fanatic, a backyard bonfire enthusiast and a Heinz tomato ketchup addict, but you probably know him from somewhere else.

  • Whose House? Doug’s house.

    Video production and music are two of Doug Darling’s favourite things.

  • Whose House? Leif’s house.

    In 1999, after obtaining a degree in chemistry from the University of Winnipeg, Leif Norman picked up his mother’s camera, a Canonette, and started shooting.

  • Whose House? Sarah’s house.

    Sarah Paradis, also known as Toxic Prophecy, is a master craftswoman, her tools consisting of everything from pencils and markers to computers and video cameras. 

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