Visual Art

  • Station

    Michael D. McCormack’s Station explores how Canada’s Cold War past illuminates our uncertain present.

  • Video games are also art

    Video games are a big deal to Canadians, but why should players pause to take in the artistic elements?

  • Whose House? Luna’s House

    When artist Luna Galdames first came up with the idea for The Dream Room Project, her idea was simple: to go into the homes of children who have experienced trauma and give them the bedroom of their dreams.

  • Exploring Indigenous board cultures

    Jaime Isaac says she thought a lot about curating an art exhibition about surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding. Her vision – Boarder X – is now on display at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG).

  • Arts Briefs

    God is a Scottish Drag Queen IV // Prairie Fire’s Indigenous issue // World premier of dance // Reading Week plans // MAC’s strategic plan

  • Favourite Local blog

    1. Winnipeg Love Hate
    3. Witchpolice

  • Favourite Local Visual Artist

    1. Dany Reede
    2. Wanda Koop
    3. Honourable mentions: Autumn Crossman-Serb, Adam Kelly, Takashi Iwasaki

  • Arts Briefs

    Encouraging women in film // The Bickersons // Tim Gray // Eyes of My Community // heaven between // I’m With the Band

  • Whose House? Diana and Michael’s house.

    For visual artists Diana Thorneycroft and Michael Boss, it isn’t always easy to keep work at work. Despite the fact that both artists have studios, their Wolseley home is still pleasantly overflowing with art supplies and works in progress.

  • Taking shame to the grave

    The legacy Glamdrew left behind

  • Critipeg: Sounding Space

    Sound is a sensory experience too often ignored in fine arts. The fact that the terms “fine art” and “visual art” are so often used interchangeably is a testament to this. 

  • Welcome to the Argyle

    A look at the history and contemporary uses of Winnipeg’s creative clubhouse

  • Whose House? Chris’ house

    For visual artist Chris Redekop, collaboration is the key to creativity.

  • Sleepyhead

    Part 1 of Keegan Steele's Sleepyhead

  • Modern Convenience

    Photo Essay by Callie Morris

  • Caribou in Motion

    Video - Gabrielle Funk creates a commission piece

  • Focus on the story

    As technology improves, great photography becomes more accessible. When a sizable chunk of the population carries a camera around in their pockets, what makes a professional photographer special?

  • Learning to appreciate art

    Nobody in their right mind would call me cultured.

  • Critipeg

    There’s something exciting about seeing an artist enter a new phase or period.

  • Images From a Wasteland

    Remediation featured in the FLASH Photography Festival

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