
  • Blue Hills Fibre Festival

    June 10 // Exploring the fibre arts through workshops and demonstrations

  • Agassiz Chamber Music Festival

    June 9 to 16 // Something different for music lovers


    Here's your guide to over 70 festivals in Winnipeg and around Manitoba.

  • Discover summer

    When it comes to summer festivals, we have an abundance of choice here in Manitoba.

  • Mix it up

    This, our last regular-ish paper of the year, is somewhat unconventional.

  • Intimate knots

    In the modern era, kinbaku is no longer used to bind one’s enemies. Rather, it has been popularized as a form of sexual bondage or BDSM (an umbrella term that refers to bondage/discipline, domination/submission, and sadism/masochism) often referred to as shibari, which means “to decoratively tie.”

  • The true drama of animal rescue

    Many dive into the animal rescue community in Manitoba expecting it to be filled with big-hearted people, then find the humans involved are not treated well at all.

  • Pedalling toward empowerment

    Women, queer and non-binary people can find empowerment and self-sufficiency through learning and practising bicycle mechanics.

  • To the Classroom and Beyond

    Traditionally, we’ve been taught about the environment in a way that’s broken down and broken apart. Educating within the confines of four brick walls separates us from the world we’re trying to learn about and other humans we’re learning with.

  • Curating history

    Heritage museums exist to tell a story and to preserve local history. It is the job of museum curators to make that history accessible to everyone that visits.

  • Off the Mats

    Homelessness and addiction, and the resources that help

  • Is this the age of anxiety?

    There are many reasons to be anxious right now. Midterms are approaching. There is still more winter ahead. Tweets are declaring the end of the world. The news is depressing with accusations of fascism in America and comparisons between the Trump administration and Germany’s Nazi regime. 

    How can we stave off the panic when even the media is panicking? 

    At what point does our situational anxiety become a medical condition?

  • The cost of going green

    It’s not always easy being green, but several Winnipeg organizations are working to make environmental initiatives more accessible across the board.

  • Fighting Fascism

    The far-right: what it is and how to stop it

  • What’s up with last year’s Fiver bands?

    The Middle Coast // Deep Dark Cave // Adam Hanney & Co. // Fox Lake // Ashley Bieniarz

  • Tusk

    If there’s a more quintessential origin story than TUSK’s, it would be tough to find it.

  • Rosebud

    The duo behind Rosebud took a rather casual approach to forming the two-person band, and that’s how they continue to operate.

  • June Killing Stones

    June Killing Stones is a locally grown band united in their value of community and positivity. Brothers Joshua and Jake Letkeman were working on their craft for years before putting together a group.

  • Awaiting the Answer

    Awaiting the Answer has come together with the common goal of bringing a new sound to Winnipeg’s metal scene.

  • Kakagi

    Kakagi (pronounced ke-KA-gi) is a new band whose name is derived from a small lake in northwestern Ontario. 

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