
  • Speak up

    Another campus-based newspaper, The Manitoban was in the news recently as a University of Manitoba Students’ Union councillor introduced – and then withdrew – a motion that would challenge the student levy funding the paper’s operations. 

  • Moving beyond the page

    In these pages, we do our best to tell the stories that aren’t being told in other venues, but sometimes these stories need to move beyond the page. And in the coming weeks, we’ve got two events that hope to do just that.

  • Comments and comics and boards, oh my!

    We’re a little over halfway through the production year, but we’re not slowing down any.

  • Fresh starts

    After a little December break, we’re back in action with a very colourful issue for you.

  • Uniter 30 outtakes

    In tallying the votes for this issue, one of the greatest joys and greatest challenges is going through all the reader submissions

  • Your very own 30

    This issue is for you, and by you, according to readers’ votes.

  • Going on 30

    This week’s paper is our last regular issue of the year, but we’re already hard at work on a special treat for you next week.

  • Speak out

    On Nov. 22, along with QPOC Winnipeg and Black Space Winnipeg, we'll be hosting the first Uniter Speakers Series event of this season.

  • When you’re having fun

    It’s hard to believe we’re three-quarters of the way through what we call “fall” already.

  • Putting ourselves together

    Sometimes it can feel like the word “community” is used so much that it’s become a feel-good buzzword.

  • It’s 30 time!

    On Nov. 30, we’ll celebrate your favourite people, places and things, but first, we need your votes to determine the winners! 

  • Some extras for U

    Like many others on campus, we took a week off from our usual routine. But we’re back to producing The Uniter on a weekly basis again, with a few extra flourishes.

  • Uniter IRL

    One of our goals with The Uniter is to start conversations that aren’t happening in other publications, and to tell stories that open up new spaces for learning and discovery.

  • Be our boss

    Who runs the news?

  • New Names, Old Names

    We’re beginning our new rotation of columnists, and I look forward to sharing their first pieces over the next four weeks. 

  • A break in the bustle

    Early September’s a busy time, on campus and off. Around the U of W, halls are more crowded, bookstore lineups stretch out longer, and pudding seems to be flying off the shelves in Riddell Hall. 

  • 72 for U

    We’re back for another amazing year at The Uniter - it’s our 72nd, if you’re counting human or newspaper years, and our 14th, if you’re counting dog years. This is our annual back-to-school issue, so we thought we’d go for a lighter-hearted, upbeat cover story.

  • Discover summer

    When it comes to summer festivals, we have an abundance of choice here in Manitoba.

  • Mix it up

    This, our last regular-ish paper of the year, is somewhat unconventional.

  • What’s in a job?

    We’re hiring another position for the fall – and perhaps some of you are wondering, “Why does The Uniter hire so often? Is there some nasty secret here in the basement of the Bulman Centre that drives aspiring writers and journalists away?”

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