Blog Archive

  • Rowdy Crowds

    Steve Earle, Motley Crue incidents are nothing new

  • Barbie - Today’s Career Woman

    At just over 50 years old, Barbie is getting a career makeover. And you can have a say in which job field the iconic figure tackles next.

  • That nostalgic feeling

    I feel nostalgic for things I have never experienced before.

  • Lesson Learned

    Take advantage of university services.

  • Ian Kelly Killed My Baby

    Selections from an “introspective” pop artist.

  • Obama states the union

    On Wednesday, Jan. 27, Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union Address for 2010. True to form, he spoke convincingly of hope and change in the face of incredible difficulties, calling the American people to unite despite their differences. But unity is hard-won. I maintain a healthy skepticism of politics, but I cannot help but enjoy Obama’s optimistic approach to the American variety.

  • Another Thursday Night in Wolseley

    Where good times come at a price of $10.35.

  • Knee-jerk protesting

    Getting your voice heard might not change the world.

  • Prorogation may prove beneficial for Canadian politics

    At least it has people talking politics

  • R.I.P. Urban NDN

    Winnipeg loses a passionate paper that told stories that mattered.

  • Iggy on Campus

    Was anybody curious about who dropped that giant banner beside Michael Ignatieff when he spoke at the University of Manitoba? It was just a couple dudes who needed the attention.

  • Shut the fuck up in the corporate suite

    Security called to the corporate suite at the Duckworth centre for no reason at all.

  • Common flu not cool enough?

    Does “flu-like” symptoms necessarily mean H1N1?

  • Auld lang syne

    The new year is here - and with it, all the resolutions that add something of hope and depression to the winter season.

    It’s relatively easy to understand the big to-do about new year’s celebrations: the previous year passes (in the form of an old man holding a huge clock that continually ticks away the moments of our lives) and the new year arrives (in the guise of a neonatal baby wearing a jaunty sash, bathing in confetti). The new year represents all the hope of the new beginning a fresh year promises. Or, at least, the resolution to make it new and fresh.

  • Fortune Favours the Bold

    Two directors whose big risks paid off most this year and one who actually made a great film.

  • Helicopter report hella hard to find

    City of Winnipeg website hides information

  • I traded my rotary for mobility.

    I traded my rotary for mobility.

  • Prorogation: It’s what we deserve

    The Opposition and newspaper writers might be upset over the proroguing of Parliament, but good luck convincing my mom to be outraged.

  • The Top Four Most Useless/Amazing Gifts

    If you are forced to purchase gifts this year and don’t want to waste precious hours in search of the perfect item, there are several sure fire options guaranteed to delight and mystify that someone special-or not so special, as the case may be.

  • SNA Recruiting Board Members

    Spence Neighbourhood Association recruiting members for their board.

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