Anastasia Chipelski

  • Bridge to beyond

    New ideas for old infrastructure

  • Passing the mic

    While we try to have some important conversations in these pages, sometimes we need to get off the page and figure some things out in person. That’s one of the ideas behind The Uniter Speakers Series...

  • Dry Wit

    When normal is boring, and boring is awesome

  • What’s on the cover?

    I’d like to take a minute to pull back the curtain and reveal something that may be somewhat mysterious, but shouldn’t be any big secret.

  • Streeter

    What is the most memorable concert you have ever attended?

  • The 2015 Fiver finalists: Where are they now?

    Somebody Language & The Way It Feels // Autumn Still // Mabel’s Flight // Carey J. Buss // The Janzen Boys 

  • Fox Lake

    Playing the songs they want to hear

  • The 2016 Uniter Fiver

    The five favourite new local bands, as chosen by you

  • Come together

    This isn’t just a special issue because we put a snazzy name on the cover and picked a theme. And not to pick favourites, but this is a pretty special issue. 

  • Streeter

    Nov 7, 2016 … Streeter. "What do you do to fend off the midwinter blues?"

  • New year, same U

    How you feel about the New Year can be a bit of a divisive topic, and there are few who feel truly neutral about the return to old routines or beginnings of new ones.

  • Favourite local publication

    1. The Uniter 

    2. The Manitoban 

    3. Stylus 

  • Favourite Manitoba festival

    1. Winnipeg Folk Festival 

    2. Rainbow Trout Music Festival / Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival (tie) 

    3. Oddblock 

  • Favourite local theatrical production

    1. Rocky Horror Picture Show 

    2. H.U.N.K.S. Sketch Comedy 

    3. Les Misérables / Sister Act at Rainbow Stage (tie) 

  • Favourite Winnipeg winter activity

    1. Ice skating on the river / at The Forks 

    2. Drinking 

    3. Hockey 

  • Favourite local athlete

    1. Clara Hughes 

    2. Jonathan Toews 

    3. Dustin Byfuglien

  • Not our issue

    We’re not being passive-aggressive here – just honest. For this issue, The Uniter 30, you’re in the editorial hotseat.

  • Dry wit

    Enough dancing around the (other) "A" word

  • Blast from the past

    A look at the University of Winnipeg then and now

  • Time flies…

    ...when you’re having fun, right? While we’ve had some wild weeks here at The Uniter, the good has far outweighed the hectic.

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