Anastasia Chipelski

  • The W word

    In their latest weather statement, Environment Canada was quite blunt (and possibly inspired by Jon Snow): Winter is coming.

  • Not perfect, but we try

    Did you have any luck solving the crossword last week? Maybe it wasn’t luck that was on your side.

  • Balls, bats and beyond

    All kinds of writers – journalists included – will often go on at length about the value of telling stories. At The Uniter, we have the specific goal of telling stories that aren’t being told in larger media outlets.

  • Horror and stories

    Near the end of October, coffee shop chatter and other generic small talk gravitates towards predictions about whether or not we’ll have snow before Halloween. It’s a perennial question that echoes our basic Winnipeg conversational template: one current event + the weather.

  • Speaking across borders

    Shawn Katz talks activism, social change, and going beyond our comfort zones

  • Dry Wit

    Hangovers VS. Happiness 

  • Keep on keepin’ on

    Maybe we’re the only ones who are counting, but this is our seventh issue of the year – our midpoint for the fall term. On campus, it seems like people have adjusted to their new routines, and here at The Uniter we’re hitting our stride with our weekly production schedule too.

  • Ballots and Beyond

    In case you missed it, we’re now at the peak of election season.

  • Streeter

    Oct 8, 2015 … Streeter. ‘Tis the season to fall sick. We asked around to see what people are doing to take care of themselves. What special tips or tricks do you have for taking care of yourself when you’re sick?

  • But is it local?

    You might have noticed by now that we don’t publish a lot about national or international news or events. It’s not a hard and fast rule, but often when we’re looking at which stories to include in this week’s issue, we strive to include those with some kind of local tie. 

  • Keep the local beat going

    On Sept 29, CBC/Radio-Canada held their Annual Public Meeting at the University of Winnipeg. Earlier in the day, CBC/Radio-Canada president Hubert Lacroix met with The Uniter and Le Réveil to share his thoughts about the CBC, the current state of journalism and the job market for young reporters.

  • Dry Wit

    Fall can be a tough season for sobriety. Summer events and festivals are full of options for fun activities, variations of lemonade and even the simple joys of being outside. But as the weather turns crisp, socialization moves inside. It becomes glaringly obvious that the idea of “going out” is really shorthand for “standing around while holding alcohol.”

  • Media and the message

    There have been a lot of conversations about media on campus this week. CBC/Radio-Canada held their Annual Public Meeting (APM) at the University of Winnipeg on Sept. 29, and senior staff fielded some tough questions from the floor about the future of the organization.

  • People are talking

    On the cover this week, we have a few communities starting conversations about an issue we should all be talking about by now. Racism was the core theme of the Mayor’s Summit for Racial Inclusion, but some people felt left out of that discussion, so they started their own Local Inclusion Summit. 

  • A land of few lawyers

    While we’re bombarded with endless coverage of conflict, we don’t often read about how to build peace. On Sept. 15, professor Stephanie Stobbe released a book titled Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Laos: Perspective for Today’s World at the Canadian Mennonite University.

  • Seeking a swimming hole

    Swimmers of the West End are high and dry at the moment, but hopefully not for that much longer. 

  • News Briefs

    River City Reasonfest // Arlington Bridge open house // Health Plan opt-outs due Sept 22 // Theology window unveiling // Merchants Corner development

  • We’re a learning paper

    When we introduce new volunteers to The Uniter, we often start by telling them that The Uniter is a learning paper. What does that mean?

  • The PROFile - Dr. Carlos D Colorado

    Dr. Carlos D. Colorado has been teaching at the University of Winnipeg for six years, but he’s already taught the course of his dreams – twice.

  • News Briefs

    International Powwow // West Broadway Youth Outreach Dreams Film Festival // Candidates debate at Portage Place // UWSA approves darkroom renovations // Five profs receive funding

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