Re: “Christianity in 2010: Who cares?” (Feb. 25, page 7)

In response to Christianity in 2010: Who cares?, published February, 24, 2010.

Knowledge is when we see and “understand” words on paper. It becomes wisdom when the words are embodied; when we practice the teachings in our daily lives. A friend told me this once.

Some of the basic teachings in different schools of spiritual/religious philosophy are about love, patience, compassion, kindness, understanding, generosity and self-discipline (or self-teaching).

Am I patient and kind to my son when we’re running late? How do I judge the people I see on the bus or on the street or on the news? Do I think before I say and do?

Spirituality becomes real as it flows into my actions and interactions. Do I walk my talk? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. This path is a process.

– Lisa Neufeld

Published in Volume 64, Number 21 of The Uniter (March 4, 2010)