ULTRAMEGA - Black Wu Jackets

Ultramega are a local quartet whose debut EP is a collection of Wu Tang lyrics sung over top of the band’s original folk-based indie pop. The band dabbles in slow melancholic jangly pop, waltzes and quirky little ditties while delivering the Wu’s trademark hustler monologue, the juxtoposition of which will probably grab a laugh or two if delivered as a cover in a live set or as a one-off track. But seven tracks (25 minutes) is almost unbearable. I was swearing at my stereo, begging that tone deaf soda cracker to just shut up and praying to Big Baby Jesus for a catastrophic failure of my aural cavity. A further insult is that they have no problem saying “muthafucka” over and over, but their white-trash guilt spurs them on to edit out the ubiquitous “niggas” – a move that reeks of insincerity and a lack of credibility. This is a total disaster.

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