IAN LA RUE & THE CONDOR - A History of Layers

A History of Layers is a departure for La Rue, it being his first with the band The Condor, featuring Mag 7’s Mat Magura (drums), Mike Petkau (production and bass) and Andrew Workman (guitars). Ian La Rue is usually seen on his knees in front of his pedals making soundscapes through loops and feedback, but here he steps up to the mic and struts some hefty and wordy pop-rock with an appropriate surplus of layers, using all 18 months in the studio to his advantage. Pianos and feedback swirl around rimshots and an un-levered snare that warms the record up nicely. The Greg MacPherson/Weakerthans influence is evident, but it still executes with passion and credibility, coming off as a nicely laid back Jawbreaker (circa Dear You). Extra points for including the incredible Poor Tree’s typewriting sonics on the album’s closing song, which worth sticking around for. La Rue releases A History of Layers on Feb. 12. Look for an interview in next week’s issue of The Uniter.

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