Summer Festival Guide

  • Agassiz Chamber Music Festival

    June 9 to 16 // Something different for music lovers


    Here's your guide to over 70 festivals in Winnipeg and around Manitoba.

  • Discover summer

    When it comes to summer festivals, we have an abundance of choice here in Manitoba.

  • Is Folk Fest “Manitoba’s Mecca”?

    Folk Fest is giving attendees and campers something they can’t find anywhere else and it’s not just four days of good music. It might just be the same thing that religion offered to people for thousands of years before many decided that they didn’t need it anymore.

  • Shine On Festival of Music and Art

    August 25 to 28: A weekend community of artists and familiar faces

  • Oddblock Comedy Festival

    August 25 to 28: South Osborne gets silly

  • FallJam5

    August 26 to 27: A one-man-made Manitoba festival

  • Rainbow Trout Music Festival

    August 19 to 21: A three-day-long hug

  • Let them love

    PDA is A-OK!

  • Manitoba Filipino Street Festival

    August 20: Celebrating a growing community

  • Stay close to home this summer

    Why you should ditch the big festivals for local fare this season

  • Morden Corn and Apple Festival

    August 26 to 28: Free corn and apple juice

  • Winnipeg BBQ & Blues Festival

    August 19 to 20: Don’t forget to bring a napkin

  • Gimli model festival

    August 12 to 14: Flying high, but small

  • Interstellar Rodeo

    August 12 to 14: Bringing the music festival to the city

  • MEME Festival

    August 11 to 14: Dedicated to electronic musicians

  • Folklorama

    July 31 to August 13: Delicious food and global entertainment

  • Easy Summer Trends

    Fashion for festivals and more

  • Islendingadagurinn

    August 11 to 14: Celebrating Icelandic culture

  • Summering in the city

    Take advantage of it while you can

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