Sports & Fitness

  • This column brought to you by the letter T(ea)

    Most beverages (think smoothies, soft drinks, alcohol and fruit cocktails) contain a lot of calories without much nutritional benefit. Loaded with added sugars, you aren’t doing your body any favours by consuming these kinds of drinks regularly.

  • Supercharging your soup for the fall season

    Fall weather ushers in soup season. Soup can be a healthy meal if it is done right, and making a large batch on the weekend will ensure that you have enough to last you all week.

  • Absorbing nutrients for dummies

    There are many foods that have plenty of nutrients that our bodies need. Some of these foods are well-known for containing high amounts of a nutrient.

  • Aspire Fitness pushes gym-goers to their limits

    Building strong relationships is really important when it comes to health. This means being comfortable with your body and being able to work closely with others who want to improve your health with you.

  • Cutting out the middleman

    So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about myself as a consumer.

  • Livin’ la vida local

    Buying local food is a growing trend across the globe. With more stores opening here in Winnipeg that cater to local farmers, consumers have increased access to a variety of products.

  • Wesmen men’s basketball tips off early

    The University of Winnipeg Wesmen men’s basketball team kicked off their pre-season early this year with two games in late August against the South Dakota State University Jackrabbits.

  • The summer of our disinterest

    It was a damned hot summer throughout most of Canada. In fact, it was the hottest summer in roughly six decades according to Environment Canada. It was the kind of summer in which waves of humidity dull the brain and slow the body; in which, despite one’s best efforts, lethargy tends to set in.

  • Armenian genocide denial in Turkey

    Genocide denial is a hot topic that can often blur the lines between freedom of speech and hate speech.

  • A little etiquette, please

    My fellow concertgoers, it is time to shape up.

  • Wesmen add men’s and women’s soccer teams to its program

    This fall, men’s and women’s Wesmen soccer teams will participate in the Manitoba College Athletic Conference (MCAC) as they prepare to join the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) league in 2011.

  • Pudding cake recipe uses healthy ingredients

    To live well is to eat well and you all know what that means: meals should be both nutritious and tasty! Luckily, slipping greens and lean protein into main dishes is a fairly simple process.

  • Dispelling health myths

    No matter how healthy we think we are, there are often small ways we can tweak our mindset and our choices to make our lifestyles even healthier.

  • Basketball players go from green to red

    The University of Winnipeg’s Wesmen Women’s Basketball Team has recruited two new players from the Vincent Massey Trojans. Stephanie Kleysen and Ashleigh Chichlowski have been two key players for the Trojans this season.

  • Two-legged transit is the best

    It is hard to go anywhere within the city limits and not hear the gentle rumble of a car driving down the street. For about 75 per cent of Canadians, according to a 2007 Statistics Canada report, motor vehicles are the transportation method of choice.

  • Listen to your body when it comes to deciding which foods to eat

    Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to some foods over others? Besides your preference of ice cream over vegetables?

  • Wesmen volleyball seasons come to a close short of nationals

    The 2009–2010 Wesmen Men’s Volleyball team started out the season with six talented new athletes in the program.

  • And… Cut! That’s a wrap!

    You could say that a men’s basketball team that loses almost every game in a season isn’t entertainment – and you may be right. Yet it’s the courage of the Wesmen Men’s Basketball team to step out onto the court, with the hopeful ambition that these men did, that is the true spectacle. They went out and did their best every single game.

  • Reading between the grocery store lines

    Choosing healthy foods at a grocery store is a daunting task if you have no idea how to read a package.

  • Preventing diabetes

    Pre-diabetes and diabetes affect more people than you might think.

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