
  • Hug a thug. Really.

    The following article is not meant to scare you. It isn’t meant to paint a dreary picture of our city, nor is it intended to make you believe Winnipeg is the Compton of the North. But our city has a gang problem. Before you assume this piece is some right-wing diatribe about locking up kids, I assure you it’s not. The reality is there are approximately 35 active gangs in Winnipeg with about 1,500 active gang members. I’m not necessarily talking about the bar star “gangs” that buy everyone shots at the nightclubs and get custom rims for their Civics and Cameros. The gangs I’m talking about, like the gangs of LA, are products of poverty, exploitation, racial segregation, and colonialism.

  • Bus stop blues

    A man sits on a bus after a long day at work. All he wants to do is go home and binge watch the latest season of whatever on Netflix. At this point in his day, he’s feeling the urge to relax a little, maybe even do something crazy, like listen to that ‘90s playlist he keeps for special occasions on his iPhone. But today, this man decides to sprawl his knees across two seats instead of his allotted single space.

  • Why you should vote

    Political Science Students Society Executive, University of Winnipeg

  • Old boys’ club

    If you take a look at the current gender makeup of Manitoba’s municipal councils, you might think we were still in the 1950s. Nationally, our province is tied with Saskatchewan for having the lowest level of female representation at just 17 per cent.

  • Austere artistry

    It’s a remarkable thing to witness a mayoral forum on arts funding devolve into musings about potholes.

  • Still breathing but barely

    It felt a little guilty to bid adieu to summer in a city not my own. But the promise of a fantastic music festival featuring some of my all time favourites was too much to resist. And so, just over a month ago, I said my goodbye to summer in Ottawa.

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Because I am a writer, comedian, and an actor I am also (obviously) a waitress.

  • Beware of Upgrades Unknown

    It’s that time of year again! The release of the new iPhone 6 has people clamoring to own the newest thing in technology. But with new technology comes new problems and pressure on people who want to keep their old devices.

  • Winnipeg - a delight to discover

    One time in my second year of undergraduate English Studies at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, I met a fellow student who had recently completed two terms as a visiting student at Concordia University in Montreal. What an interesting idea, I thought - a visiting student. Kind of like an exchange student, but the in-Canada version.

  • Unpopular opinions

    Seven years ago this month I quit drinking. Two years ago I wrote about it for a Uniter blog post, and the gist of it is that I didn’t quit because I was an alcoholic, simply because I didn’t like who I was when I drank. I put down a Lucky (ugh) at a party and said “I’m out” and that was it.

  • You’re not your f-cking khakis

    Like many students, I work at the mall. This means I spend what most might call an appalling amount of time there. My store also lacks a back room where employees can eat mall lunches consisting of mediocre pizza and fried rice among the stock boxes, so I spend more time than most watching people shop.

  • Three cheers for the new RecPlex

    Over the past decade, the University of Winnipeg campus has expanded considerably. The Richardson College, McFeetors Hall, the Buhler Centre, and the AnX are a few among many admirable additions to the campus. The newest addition, opened in September, is an indoor recreational facility called the UNITED Health and RecPlex.

  • Unpopular opinions

    A few weeks ago, my partner and I went on a trip to Minneapolis to see a couple of concerts (the Replacements and the Dandy Warhols, and yes, at both shows we were among the youngest people there by 15 years). We do this trip once or twice a year to see bands that will never come here and purchase Jif peanut butter.

  • Planes, trains & automobiles

    There are many ways to get around a country the size of Canada.

  • Picking and choosing

    I’m going to express an opinion that may be unpopular amongst many of my friends.

  • Still breathing but barely

    Summer makes Winnipeg worthwhile. We emerge from our homes, squinting, tentatively shedding layers. Never fully trusting Old Man Winter won’t come crawling back if we let our guard down.

  • Pack your books and your camera and go study abroad

    The idea of studying abroad can seem very intimidating. Moving to a new country reminds me of the first day of kindergarten, where you are entering a new environment and you have no idea how you will react to it or how it will react to you. 

  • Well, that’s garbage

    I want to get in shape; I’m going to run a marathon.

    I just graduated/got divorced/turned 30, 40, 50/ate a really good sandwich … I’m going to run a marathon.

  • Anti-advice for a new university year

    I’ve been asked to write some advice for you, the prototypically average first-year student, to help you succeed this school year. I have two disclaimers, so we can start this print-based relationship off right. 

  • Unpopular Opinions

    I've been having the same conversation for what seems like forever, but it's only been five years at most.

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