
  • Unpopular Opinions

    You hear two big things about the Winnipeg music scene: That it is a warm, welcoming place where artists are nurtured and able to grow, with shows every night of the week at world class venues. You also hear that it is incredibly cliquey and that people who are friends with certain people have an unfair advantage.

  • Backstage costs

    Who doesn’t love a local show? It’s an evening for hanging out with friends, watching cool bands for cheap admission and drinking beer. Winnipeg loves its local performers and they love us back. However, most of us are not cut out to be in the bands we enjoy seeing - the hours are long and irregular and it often takes months before they see the kind of cash they need to move forward. New bands need a combination of talent, energy and a determination that is downright stubborn.

  • Speaking Volumes

    By its very nature, music is a mode of expression. It affects people in ways that other mediums fail to do and messages conveyed through music often create a ripple effect throughout society.

  • Freethinking

    Brian Bowman surprised many with his victory in the mayoral election. Former NDP Member of Parliament and Manitoba Cabinet Minister Judy Wasylycia-Leis was seen as the clear frontrunner at the outset of the campaign, but Bowman gained support throughout the race and ended up winning handily, securing almost 50 percent of the vote. Bowman ran an optimistic and tech savvy campaign, promising to complete the bus rapid transit system and make city government more efficient and transparent.

  • How to avoid holiday failure

    If you’re anything like me (procrastinator, indecisive) you probably head out a week before your holiday celebration in search of magnificent gifts. 

  • Freethinking

    On November 12, 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a pact between their nations to focus on addressing climate change. The agreement - while imperfect - is a positive development.

  • Winterizing ability

    Winter in Winnipeg is upon us. The mercury has plummeted and the snow has started falling. Buses have filled as people trade their walking shoes and bike helmets for bus passes (except for the winter cyclists, whose grit puts us all to shame). In the true Winnipeg way, conversations have started to begin with a brief synopsis of the long-range forecast. Such is winter.

  • Time for a change

    The political landscape in Manitoba is in vast need of a shakeup. Barely a month after a shocking municipal result, the spotlight, whether Brian Bowman likes it or not, has quickly shifted to the provincial stage. This stage will feature an election within 18 months and currently hosts a governing party in a rare state of dysfunction.

  • Freethinking

    For many years, I had a very rigid and ideological mindset. I filtered information through a partisan lens - all the better to entrench my beliefs and serve as rhetorical ammunition for political debates. I was focused on being “right” instead of listening to others. 

  • Memories of what was

    I have always admired Canada’s position in international conflicts.

  • Her moustache

    I met Salvador Dali at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. I think. 

  • Still breathing but barely

    lI love coming of age at the same time as a neighbourhood. Sherbrook’s renaissance has been pleasant for us all, and as someone who lives on the cusp of West Broadway and is also a bit of a premature grandma, I’ve particularly enjoyed being able to “go out” and “do cool things” while making minimal effort.

  • Your life, your choice

    On New Years Day 2014, 29-year-old Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with brain cancer. After undergoing treatment, it was found that her tumour had grown. Maynard and her family faced a stark reality:

  • Changing the charter

    When it comes to environmental well-being, many countries have become a physical manifestation of their leaders’ efforts. Unfortunately, Canada is one of them.

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Bodily functions have been taboo for a long time.

    But at some point our attitude toward numbers one and two turned from a natural and biologically correct repulsion, to shame at our own bodies for creating waste in the first place.

  • U-Pass or U-Fail?

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) and the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) recently lobbied for a U-Pass that would give post-secondary students unlimited access to Winnipeg Transit services from September to April, and is intended to reduce spending for students who frequently use Winnipeg Transit.

  • With glowing hearts

    The recent attack in Ottawa - which the RCMP has declared to be a terrorist act - and which took the life of Corporal Nathan Cirillo, in addition to the murder of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in Quebec, have shaken many of us.

  • Unpopular Opinions

    Winnipeg, you have a cycling problem.

    Wait, hear me out.

  • A quarter tank of passion

    The Winnipeg Jets are stuck at a crossroads. 

  • Freethinking

    The war on drugs has failed.

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