
  • Stuck in a rut

    President Obama has officially set an exit date from Iraq, on which the vast majority of U.S Army personnel will be extracted from the war-torn nation. Come September 2010 the long running, fruitless, costly war in Iraq will finally draw to a close – giving generations to come ample material to speculate and judge.

  • Bed bugs plague our inner city

    Moving into a new building in central Winnipeg comes with the usual headaches of landlords and drafty windows and bikes stolen off your front lawn.

  • Saving the Ceeb

    A single line greets millions of Canadians nightly when they tune in to their national news. “And now, from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto, here is Peter Mansbridge.”

  • Out of the bedroom…

    A woman, who posts online under the name Aryanprincess1488, has been denied visiting rights to her children. This is the latest development of a case that first began when the children were seized by Child and Family Services (CFS) after her daughter repeatedly showed up at school with a swastika penned on her arm in permanent marker.

  • It’s time to talk about J-Dog

    If you want to make friends, there are a few subjects you should never talk about: politics, necrophilia, mittens, etc. But by far the most important one of these to avoid is religion. This week, I’m not going to be making any friends.

  • Discrimination a two-way street

    The January ceasefire reached in Gaza may have ended the Israeli Operation Cast Lead offensive against Hamas, but here in Canada it certainly has not served to curb public backlash against Israel’s actions.

  • Waiting for the verdict

    On Jan. 7, two prominent members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Winston Blackmore and James Oler, were charged with one count each of practising polygamy. The Bountiful, British Columbia church is a pseudo-religious sect of the Mormon Church which claims God’s word justifies the right of men to marry as many women as they wish. Blackmore is alleged to have somewhere around 20 wives, while Oler’s charges relate to his marriages to two women. Police have claimed that some of these wives may have been 15 at the time of their marriages to the two religious leaders.

  • Get your babies here!

    There was a brief period of time when the world looked in awe upon Nadya Suleman, the California mother who successfully gave birth to healthy octuplets. But the awe quickly turned to dismay when it became known that Suleman already has six other children and was setting up a personal website asking the public for donations to keep her family fed and clothed.

  • Just eat your food

    Over the past six years that I have worked in the restaurant industry, a large majority of my customers have been couples. I have always desired an opportunity to publicly address the etiquette of said couples when out dining among the masses.

  • I am done with February

    Awww shit, it’s February. Seriously. Look outside. It’s February.In case you don’t understand the severity of the situation, let me break it down.

  • Let’s make love

    Love. Love is a wonderful and powerful thing. One minute, it can make you think you can fly, another, it can make you feel completely invisible. Under love’s influence, people have done some pretty crazy things, and even forgotten who they are once in a while. Love can scare the shit out of you and it can make you forget your own name. Despite all of this, love is something that can really open your mind, and can change the way you look at everything in your life.

  • Buying protectionism

    If the United States lapses into protectionist activity, “It can only trigger retaliatory action, and we don’t want to go there.” So spoke Stockwell Day, Minister of International Trade, when he referred to the Buy American Campaign, currently part of the Obama administration’s $825 billion stimulus package, working its way through Congress.

  • I’ll still eat a sea kitten

    I am getting sick and tired of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and their ridiculous attempts at shocking, scaring or guilting people into no longer eating any food that is derived from animals, or using animals as a resource at all.

  • Just for you: A universal conversation topic

    Hi Gang. This week, I’d like to do you all a huge favour; not because I’m especially fond of any of you, but because I like the thought of you all owing me a huge favour (and you can never have too many people to help you move).

  • The facade of mediocrity

    For the Reiss family’s Bedford Investments company, it has taken more than 15 years of willful neglect to finally win approval to demolish the Ryan Block for a parkade. Keeping the facade (or simply talking about it) is simply becoming another method, and the City of Winnipeg is giving $1.5 million in municipal heritage grants to Bedford Developments to rebuild the facade of the 114-year-old warehouse and incorporate it into the parking structure.

  • No longer a “Free” Press

    Farewell independent Winnipeg Free Press, I knew thee well.

  • Picking up where we left off

    Parliament finally reopened last week, just in time for the new American president to meet our beleaguered and on-the-verge-of-disgrace prime minister. Despite getting what amounts to over a month of vacation for Christmas thanks to the prorogation, it looks like Stephen Harper will continue to be prime minister, or at least until Michael Ignatieff gets bored and decides it is his turn.

  • Do we need God?

    For the past two weeks, Rev. Jack Duckworth has argued the case for Christianity, coinciding with a number of dialogues he was holding here at the university.  In response, a variety of guest and regular Uniter writers tried to show the wide ranging and passionate opinions that arise when questions of faith are brought to the table.

  • You’re either rich and powerful or naked at the mall

    So my editor told me that this week’s issue of The Uniter (the one you are currently reading, or wrapping fish with) is all about power. So I’ve decided to follow suit and address the morality of power. My article this week might be a little more serious than some of you have come to expect from me, but in my defense, I don’t give a shit about what you think, so you can suck my butt.

  • Failing UWSA needs its own Obama

    Watching Barack Obama’s inauguration speech on campus, I was infected with that spirit of hope that has rocked America and the world. Obama has a massive task ahead of him: pulling America out of some of the darkest days of its history and putting it on the right path for the sake of itself as a nation and for the world. That leadership is sorely needed in the United States and I wait with hopeful anticipation to see how he will fix the problems that face our neighbours to the south.

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