
  • Local film and television production a ‘growth industry’

    If you’re a Manitoban interested in showbiz, 2024 might be your year.

  • Coming soon to a theatre near you and a galaxy far, far away

    On Dec. 18, Star Wars fans were greeted with a surprise announcement. This time, though, it wasn’t just another spinoff movie slated for development or a new line of action figures.

  • Signs of the times

    Like most cities, Winnipeg’s buildings tell a story about its past. Well, maybe it’s not a single story with a clearly defined arc. Perhaps, more accurately, Winnipeg’s buildings are a scattershot anthology of short stories. They range from the old and beautifully preserved to the rundown and decrepit, from quaint character neighbourhoods to rows of identical strip malls, like so many cubes of Lego, devoid of any personality whatsoever.

  • Winnipeg Transit in crisis

    Unreliable. Overpriced. Absent. These are a few of the more polite words I’d use to describe Winnipeg Transit in its current state. For people who take the bus regularly, this isn’t news. For everyone else, I’ll bring you up to speed.

  • Campus Briefs


  • The young and the climate anxious

    Climate anxiety has pushed many young people to jump to action. Noticing their governments are not taking steps to avoid climate catastrophe, they have begun to work together to try to ensure a livable future.

  • City Briefs

    Right coyote killed, DNA analysis confirms // Short-term solutions for intersection near Carberry // No provincial tax on gas // Talk of police body cameras resurfaces // Student killed during wellbeing check // National Ribbon Skirt Day

  • Wesmen undefeated in classic

    The University of Winnipeg (U of W) men’s volleyball team delivered a commanding performance in the 2023 Wesmen Classic, winning all four of their games in the Dec. 28 to 30 weekend tournament. They were the only undefeated team.

  • Solving a tricky math problem

    Canadian students’ math scores are steadily declining, something University of Winnipeg (U of W) professors say is concerning.

  • Downtown businesses celebrate successful holiday season

    While local businesses struggled to stay open during the COVID-19 pandemic, some owners say they’re bouncing back, especially during the holiday shopping season.

  • Eulogy for a ‘Shy Guy’

    In music, there are many people who leave an indelible mark on the culture but, due to various circumstances, do not become household names. The Canadian music industry lost one such person when Chad Allan died on Nov. 21, 2023 at the age of 80.

  • Aloha means goodbye, among other things

    Over the past year, downtown denizens encountered a microcosm of tropic island life – the more luxurious parts, anyway – while walking past the Royal Albert Arms Hotel.

  • A farewell to the Good Will

    Nearly a decade after nine guys decided to open the Good Will Social Club, the beloved venue will take a final bow on Feb. 1.

  • Something’s been brewing

    Inside the West Broadway coffee shop Thom Bargen, the whirring of coffee grinders and espresso machines mixes with the buzz of people mingling in the shop.

  • Reflections on a decade at The Uniter

    This week marks a major anniversary for me. Ten years ago, in the early days of 2014, I first started writing for The Uniter. For the past decade, this newspaper has been my life.

  • Silence=death

    During the AIDS epidemic, queer organization ACT-UP popularized the slogan “Silence=Death” to show that the public pressure to not speak about AIDS was leading to the deaths of queer people who were left without resources or support. Many queer activists have recently used the slogan to show that queer silence is complicity with Israel’s mass killing of Palestinians.

  • Campus briefs

    Work-Study Program // Webinar Wednesdays // Career Chats on Instagram // Fall Exams // Ask an Advisor // Study Abroad – Summer Programs // Holiday Break/Start of Winter Term // The Wellness Hub

  • City briefs

    Google strikes deal on Canadian news // Mass shooting in West Broadway // Globe and Mail names Winnipeg third most livable city // CN Rail files suit against protesters // Embattled school trustee resigns // True North requests extension on Portage Place redevelopment

  • Favourite on-campus spot

    1. Library

    2. Fourth-floor cafeteria

    3. The University of Winnipeg Club

  • Favourite political moment

    1. NDP defeats PCs in provincial election

    2. Palestinian solidarity/ceasefire movement

    3. Rally for Trans Youth

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