
  • Weathering the storm

    It’s an old cliché to complain about the weather in Winnipeg.

  • Winnipeg’s Next Mayor

    Municipal elections may seem like small potatoes in the looming climate crisis, but their results significantly impact how people live day to day.

  • Student Services

    Study Skills Workshops: Advice & Tips for Academic Success// Career Chats on Instagram// Apply Now for Fall/Winter Awards// Volunteer Fair// Webinar Wednesdays// Use the myVisit App

  • PROFile: ‘I’m constantly learning from students’

    “I can do varied research here, but I also still get to teach, which is a real pleasure,” Dr. Serena Keshavjee says.

  • Serving face this fall

    While the University of Winnipeg (U of W) is home to a number of diverse groups and clubs, there has never been one specifically devoted to drag.

  • The return of the U-Pass

    The U-Pass is back at the University of Winnipeg (U of W) after a pandemic-induced hiatus.

  • To mask or not to mask

    Face masks are no longer required on the University of Winnipeg (U of W) campus. As of Aug. 17, students and staff members may choose whether to wear a mask – but the decision may not be that simple.

  • Arts briefs

    Digital double feature à la PTE// Lennard Taylor reopening soirée// The city won’t sleep tonight// Bringing African cinema to the Prairies// Music aboard the Nonsuch// Reigniting Indigenous languages

  • Don’t roll over just yet, Beethoven

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra (MCO), and they’re partying like it’s 1799.

  • ‘Love of the community’

    When The Live Mixtape, an event associated with the Wall-To-Wall Mural and Culture Festival, took the stage at the West End Cultural Centre, 15 artists highlighted their interpretations of love.

  • An outsider’s perspective on the inside

    After years of newspaper and magazine stints that were beginning to feel too transient, photographer Tim Smith longed for a sense of intimacy with his subjects.

  • The mystique lives on

    In a music industry preoccupied with self-perpetuation, Yes We Mystic bucks the trend with decisive finality.

  • The slow movement

    A cultural shift is slowly working its way into society. Promoting connection to people, community, oneself and food, followers of the slow movement advocate for a deliberate and unhurried way of life.

  • Student Services

    Undergraduate Add/Drop Period – Make your changes!// Study Skills Workshops: Advice & Tips for Academic Success// Student ID Cards// Wanted: Volunteer Notetakers// On a Waitlist? Check Your Webmail Every Day// UWSA’s Health Plan and U-Pass// Pay Tuition the Easy Way// Apply Now for Fall/Winter Awards// Volunteer Fair// Use the myVisit App

  • PROFile: Beyond the observable universe

    Originally from Kingston, Ont., Evan McDonough obtained his PhD at McGill University.

  • ‘Not affordable for them’

    Adequate housing is a human right, but for many students, it’s far from accessible.

  • City briefs

    Classes cancelled to honour Queen// Hospital in crisis// Webinar to protect the Public Utilities Board// Poilievre leads federal Tories// Social Planning Council to hold AGM// CUPE strike looming

  • Be charitable, save food, eat good

    The Too Good to Go app launched in the Toronto metropolitan area last summer and was recently introduced in Montreal and Vancouver. Now, Too Good to Go is up and running in cities across Canada, including Winnipeg.

  • Arts briefs

    Love the Exchange// Brews, yoga and more// Screening awareness// Connecting through art// Celebrate food at Fort Gibraltar// Pro-rock and pro-choice

  • Culled craft for a cause

    A group of philanthropic Winnipeg seniors are repurposing donated artwork to raise proceeds for AIDS relief in sub-Saharan Africa.

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