
  • Off to the races

    The candidates for this year’s University of Winnipeg Students’ Association general election are officially off to the races, with several important executive positions heavily contested in the lead-up to the March 12 to March 15 voting period.

  • Enbridge comes under fire despite donation to university

    An oil company lambasted by an environmentalist panel at the University of Winnipeg last week is also the main benefactor of a university science program for inner-city youth.

  • Foreign affairs should be NDP focal point, says Paul Dewar

    In an NDP leadership race growing more contentious by the day, Paul Dewar hopes to sail through the middle with a traditional and grassroots strategy.

  • Local News Briefs

    Katz kicks Orlikow from meeting; Arrest made over sale of stolen Jets tickets; Katz talks pulling $7M grant for water park off the table; Crime prevention up to par?; Winnipeg elm cut down, homeowner blames city maintenance

  • Out of the fridge

    In a world heavily reliant on electricity and refrigeration to preserve food, a prolonged power outage would be potentially disastrous.

  • International News Briefs

    Death of journalists in Syria prompts international outcry; Montana governor angry over Keystone delay; Wave of bomb attacks in Iraq leave 50 dead; Leaders offer support for beleaguered Somalia; Iran nuclear program talks collapse

  • Don’t hesitate to buy that calendar for next year

    A mishmash of theories that combines cosmological disaster with the coming end of the Mayan calendar cycle has assumed the role of this year’s inevitable apocalypse scare.

  • Set the tone with this cluster

    A cluster is defined as a number of things of the same kind, growing or held together - and that is what this festival is all about.

  • The world is ending, cue the music!

    There are countless movies about the end of the world. Some take a realistic approach, while others are totally over the top. Here’s a rundown of each style and if any of them could actually happen.

  • Campus News Briefs

    Made in Manitoba medical isotope; Getting closer to quashing homophobic bullying; A call for old immigrant interviews; Superconductors for green technology?; Dean of education honoured

  • Love at the end of the world

    Well, dear reader, the last couple of days have been so tragic I can’t help but find them hilarious.

  • Royal Winnipeg Ballet delivers an old favourite in Giselle

    Much like the Disney vault, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet is resurrecting an old favourite.

  • Head to the Bulman Centre, for the sign is nigh

    Hurricanes tear through the city, lava rains from the sky, the streets are thronged with zombies - and you’re stuck at the University of Winnipeg, working on your thesis.

  • Manitoba search and rescue team takes lead in disaster situations

    They are a special team designed to save lives and manage disaster scenarios too large and complex for the resources of local emergency responders.

  • Surviving punk

    Artists forge their way through with hard work and dedication. They snatch up ephemeral ideas from the ether and breathe life into them and render them anew, giving them shape, life and voice.

  • When the war came to Winnipeg

    Once upon a time - on Feb. 19, 1942, to be exact - it looked as if the world were coming to an end right here in Winnipeg, Man.

  • Islands are forever

    For almost a decade now, Nick Thorburn has been crafting daring and beautiful indie music. From the fantastical indie pop of Unicorns to recent supergroup Mister Heavenly, the man who calls Islands his main focus has been busy for almost 10 years.

  • The Boyz are back

    Prairie Theatre Exchange’s main space is in a state of controlled chaos as the media call for Altar Boyz - PTE’s current co-production with Winnipeg Studio Theatre - gets going.

  • Nathan Cullen sees cooperation, pragmatism as recipe for success

    In an NDP leadership campaign where disagreement has been rare and debate uncharacteristically tame, Nathan Cullen is committed to shaking things up.

  • Province’s watchdog organization for newspapers closes doors

    After nearly 30 years as the province’s arbitrator for complaints against local newspapers, the Manitoba Press Council has ceased its operations.

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