
  • Oil double-check

    On Jan. 21, Premier Brian Pallister announced that the Made-In-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan would include the highest ethanol content requirement and highest biodiesel requirement of any province in Canada

  • PROFile: Jamie Ritch

    Dr. Jamie Ritch knew early in his undergrad that he wanted to be a chemist. 

  • City briefs

    Lecture on data mining // Illuminati Capital of the World // Weweni Indigenous Scholars Speaker Series // Experimental learning project // Lecture series application // Nexus Lunch-and-Learn Demo

  • How the media mishandles meth

    Is this teaching me how to make things better, or is this making me more afraid – and who benefits from me being afraid? Who is this fear-based narrative serving, and why is this being presented in lieu of something that will empower me to make things better in my community?

  • Arts briefs

    Poptart presents Pillow Talk! // CKUW Fundrive kickoff party // Paper Valentine’s bouquets // Alyssa Fearon curator talk // Merging Mindsets, Wearable Tech // Perogy dinner and cake auction

  • U of W welcomes multi-disciplinary writer-in-residence

    “There’s an old saying that the source of all human misery is that we sometimes believe our thoughts,” GMB Chomichuk, the University of Winnipeg’s (U of W) 2020 Carol Shields Writer-in-Residence, says. 

  • City roots

    Trees are often caught up in human politics and drama on all scales. Every once in a while, these politics centre around a single tree. Such was the case of the Wolseley Elm.

  • PROFile: Milos Mitrovic

    When Milos Mitrovic teaches Introduction to Film at the University of Winnipeg, he brings his passion for filmmaking into the classroom with him.

  • U of W hosts environmental fair on Feb. 5

    On Wednesday, Feb. 5, the University of Winnipeg (U of W) will host 2020 Vision, an environmental research fair. This event, taking place between 12:30 and 1 p.m. in the Richardson College for the Environment’s (RCFE) Power Corporation Atrium, aims to showcase environmental research at the U of W.

  • When talk is not cheap

    The centerpiece of the Bell Let’s Talk campaign was Jan. 29, but the public awareness campaign stretches from early January well into March. 

  • The security and insecurity of bureaucracy

    On Jan. 29, the Independent Living Resource Centre (ILRC) hosted an information session on disability and taxes led by Sally Massey-Wiebe of Community Financial Counselling Services.

  • City briefs

    Divest UWinnipeg launches another campaign // Library research workshop // Indigenous film screening at the WAG // Bell Let’s Talk supports local women’s resource centre // Second beading symposium to take place in Winnipeg // Free Royal Canoe show

  • Bureaucratic maze threatens Trappist cheesemaking tradition

    Dustin Peltier and Rachel Isaak run local cheesemaking business Loaf and Honey, and the duo says the Manitoba Government has cost them tens of thousands of dollars trying to conform to “inconsistent regulations” for artisanal, unpasteurized cheese.

  • Good vibes at the Good Lands Cafe

    The café’s name and atmosphere is inspired by a dear family member. “My grandmother loved to garden. She had an awesome garden. I wanted something to remember my grandmother but also something positive,” Hozaima says. 

  • Winnipeg building out, a downward spiral

    From the very recent destruction of the homeless camps by the Disraeli Bridge, to making diamond lanes open to cabs, the City’s decisions can be head-scratching at best and heartbreaking at worst.

  • PROFile: Durdana Islam

    One of the things Dr. Durdana Islam loves about the University of Winnipeg is its small campus and the sense of community that comes with it.

  • Journalist Jacques Marcoux to give talk on campus

    On Jan. 29 from 12:20 to 2:30 p.m., the University of Winnipeg’s (U of W) Centre for Access to Information and Justice (CAIJ) is hosting CBC journalist Jacques Marcoux, who will talk about “data science in Canadian newsrooms.”

  • Iran plane crash: a “Canadian tragedy”

    On Jan. 8, Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 was shot down by the Iranian military minutes after taking off from the airport in Tehran. 

  • Selective accessibility

    The Provincial Accessibility Advisory Council is in ongoing consultations to develop a Design of Public Spaces Disability Standard. In theory, this standard could require a huge proportion of public space to become more accessible.

  • The varied union toolbox

    Lockouts have been a big subject in prairie labour news in the past few weeks, as Tim Hortons workers at the Winnipeg Lombard location and Co-op Refinery workers in Regina were locked out of their place of work by their employer during the course of bargaining between employers and unions.

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