
  • Good vibes at the Good Lands Cafe

    The café’s name and atmosphere is inspired by a dear family member. “My grandmother loved to garden. She had an awesome garden. I wanted something to remember my grandmother but also something positive,” Hozaima says. 

  • The power of a home-cooked meal

    Food preparation and production is arguably as important as the ingredients used.

  • Arts briefs

    Heartbeat City EP release  // Speaking Crow: February Edition // Sustainable Winnipeg Panel // Lecture by Diane Driedger // Restoration Tuesdays at Cinematheque // Manitoba Music x Real Love Thursday

  • CRITIPEG: Delivering chills

    If you’re looking for an accessible ghostly read, Haunted Manitoba by Matthew Komus delivers. 

  • A whovian home with a fully stocked prop room

    “How do I describe myself in the world of theatre? I guess (as) a professional amateur.”

  • Winnipeg building out, a downward spiral

    From the very recent destruction of the homeless camps by the Disraeli Bridge, to making diamond lanes open to cabs, the City’s decisions can be head-scratching at best and heartbreaking at worst.

  • Lord Randall

    A comic by K. Steele

  • Targeting ads

    I see them when I scroll through Instagram or press “play” on another YouTube video. I hear them during podcast commercial breaks and then, occasionally, again, echoing in the back of my mind when I skip a workout or reach for another handful of chips.

  • Feeding Diaspora

    I first became enthralled with the concept of leaving traces in public space when Chilean-Canadian ceramics artist Monica Martinez told me about her time in art school.

  • Journalist Jacques Marcoux to give talk on campus

    On Jan. 29 from 12:20 to 2:30 p.m., the University of Winnipeg’s (U of W) Centre for Access to Information and Justice (CAIJ) is hosting CBC journalist Jacques Marcoux, who will talk about “data science in Canadian newsrooms.”

  • Iran plane crash: a “Canadian tragedy”

    On Jan. 8, Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 was shot down by the Iranian military minutes after taking off from the airport in Tehran. 

  • Selective accessibility

    The Provincial Accessibility Advisory Council is in ongoing consultations to develop a Design of Public Spaces Disability Standard. In theory, this standard could require a huge proportion of public space to become more accessible.

  • The varied union toolbox

    Lockouts have been a big subject in prairie labour news in the past few weeks, as Tim Hortons workers at the Winnipeg Lombard location and Co-op Refinery workers in Regina were locked out of their place of work by their employer during the course of bargaining between employers and unions.

  • Stories Left Untold

    Winnipeg’s Métis history is being explored by new public art works. 

  • This master cannot truly be followed

    William Shakespeare is the final focus of the Master Playwright Festival.

  • Glassically beautiful

    Prairie Studio Glass glitters on the corner of Sargent Avenue and Sherbrook Street in the West End.

  • Arts briefs

    Plant This Movie // Pizza fundraiser for Arts Junktion // Winterruption Winnipeg // Sweet on Sustainability // Indigenous Is Not a genre // Two solo exhibitions at Plug In ICA

  • CRITIPEG: What did Jack do?

    It wasn’t too long ago that it seemed like we may never see a new David Lynch film.

  • Welcome to the gamer’s den

    For many gamers, it’s important to have a space to settle down and get comfortable before diving headfirst into a video game. Ryland Bird has just that space.

  • The three rules of fight clubs in Winnipeg

    “The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. The second rule of fight club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.”

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