
  • Student Dispatch with Bilan Arte

    The Conservative government of Canada has decided that your vote is unwanted. Lots of people like to talk about low youth voter turnout and the importance of engaging us in the political process. No one who cares about democratic participation would claim that Canada is at risk of having too many people voting – during the last elections, 61 percent of eligible voters cast ballots across the country, and only 49 percent in Winnipeg Centre – making it that much stranger that the government tabled the Fair Elections Act on February 4.

  • Critical Hit with Drew Nordman

    From iconic science fiction novels like H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine, to classic campy cartoons like The Jetsons, modern popular culture has been obsessed with the idea of the future for over a century.

  • The Intersection with Jodie Layne

    Those iconic stripes seem to be everywhere recently, especially if you’re on Instagram. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t see someone cozied up with their point blanket or the hashtag #stripespotting under a picture featuring one of the multitude of items bearing the yellow, red, green and blue. And there is a multitude of items comprising the ‘HBC Collection’: $125 flasks, $400 purses and $7,500 canoes among them.

  • Still breathing but barely

    When I first had the idea to write a column celebrating Winnipeg, I knew a certain challenge would strike come wintertime. The time of year when it’s least possible to be a cheerleader for the Heart of the Continent.

  • Student Dispatch with Bilan Arte and Peyton Veitch

    Low tuition fees and a high-quality post-secondary education are often framed as an either-or scenario. The argument goes that we can either have low fees and low quality, or high fees and high quality.

  • Critical Hit with Drew Nordman

    Allons-y, wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey, bow ties and jammy dodgers.

  • The Intersection with Jodie Layne

    When something induces cringing more often than it elicits joy, it should be a fairly obvious decision to pack it in and call it quits. That said, many Winnipeggers still (financially or otherwise) support the Blue Bombers and I still tune into The Mindy Project every week. 

  • Still breathing but barely

    One of the most tiresome refrains of the Winnipeg-hater is “There’s nothing to do.” And one of the most tiresome responses is “BUT OF COURSE THERE IS YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHERE TO LOOK.”

  • Student Dispatch with Bilan Arte

    It can be hard to imagine having enough power to change something in life.

  • Rules are Made to be Broken

    Since the beginning, hip-hop music has always had rules – unwritten dos-and-don’ts. It was a way of making sure new jacks paid their dues. It was a way of weeding out biters. After all, hip-hop was/is a culture, and it had to be protected from being overrun by suckers. So, if you were a young upstart hoping to enter the fray, you had to know the rules. Because sooner or later, you were gonna get called out.

  • Still breathing but barely

    Travelling is hard for a Winnipeg apologist. Spending time in a city that has it pretty together makes your own city’s shortcomings that much harder to swallow.

  • Student Dispatch with Bilan Arte

    Throughout September, the University of Winnipeg faced student and community outrage against the University’s agreement with global oil giant, Enbridge, to fund the Eco-Kids Program.

  • I’ll be gentle

    There’s this pretty lame idea floating around out there that sex toys are only for people who can’t get “the real thing.” Well, I’m here to tell you that just isn’t true. 

  • Critical Hit with Drew Nordman

    War never changes – console war that is.

  • Culture Consciousness with Tom Baril-Bissett

    This past week saw the release of Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar Games’ latest instalment in the infamous video game series. The saga is known for its high level of design and complexity but also for its condescending attitudes toward women and glorification of violence.

  • Still breathing but barely

    Some years ago, I spent a lost evening exploring the city in my parents’ station wagon.

  • Student Dispatch with Bilan Arte

    Welcome back to campus for another year filled with textbooks, term papers, and all-nighters. While you were enjoying the summer working (or looking for work), spending time with family and friends, or taking a summer class, a lot was happening on the post-secondary education front. 

  • Critical Hit with Drew Nordman

    This past Sunday marked the halfway point for the final season of AMC’s massively popular show, Breaking Bad. If you haven’t seen the show by now, then I’m just disappointed in you.

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