
  • Freethinking

    On November 12, 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a pact between their nations to focus on addressing climate change. The agreement - while imperfect - is a positive development.

  • Freethinking

    For many years, I had a very rigid and ideological mindset. I filtered information through a partisan lens - all the better to entrench my beliefs and serve as rhetorical ammunition for political debates. I was focused on being “right” instead of listening to others. 

  • Still breathing but barely

    lI love coming of age at the same time as a neighbourhood. Sherbrook’s renaissance has been pleasant for us all, and as someone who lives on the cusp of West Broadway and is also a bit of a premature grandma, I’ve particularly enjoyed being able to “go out” and “do cool things” while making minimal effort.

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Bodily functions have been taboo for a long time.

    But at some point our attitude toward numbers one and two turned from a natural and biologically correct repulsion, to shame at our own bodies for creating waste in the first place.

  • Unpopular Opinions

    Winnipeg, you have a cycling problem.

    Wait, hear me out.

  • Freethinking

    The war on drugs has failed.

  • Still breathing but barely

    It felt a little guilty to bid adieu to summer in a city not my own. But the promise of a fantastic music festival featuring some of my all time favourites was too much to resist. And so, just over a month ago, I said my goodbye to summer in Ottawa.

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Because I am a writer, comedian, and an actor I am also (obviously) a waitress.

  • Unpopular opinions

    Seven years ago this month I quit drinking. Two years ago I wrote about it for a Uniter blog post, and the gist of it is that I didn’t quit because I was an alcoholic, simply because I didn’t like who I was when I drank. I put down a Lucky (ugh) at a party and said “I’m out” and that was it.

  • Unpopular opinions

    A few weeks ago, my partner and I went on a trip to Minneapolis to see a couple of concerts (the Replacements and the Dandy Warhols, and yes, at both shows we were among the youngest people there by 15 years). We do this trip once or twice a year to see bands that will never come here and purchase Jif peanut butter.

  • Still breathing but barely

    Summer makes Winnipeg worthwhile. We emerge from our homes, squinting, tentatively shedding layers. Never fully trusting Old Man Winter won’t come crawling back if we let our guard down.

  • Well, that’s garbage

    I want to get in shape; I’m going to run a marathon.

    I just graduated/got divorced/turned 30, 40, 50/ate a really good sandwich … I’m going to run a marathon.

  • Unpopular Opinions

    I've been having the same conversation for what seems like forever, but it's only been five years at most.

  • Well, That’s Garbage

    “I had a whole bottle of Jack… lost my voice singing karaoke… ate three Big Macs… woke up on the deck… sprained my ankle… worked the next day… so crazy. Guys, it was so crazy.

  • Well, That’s Garbage

    When’s the last time you used your phone…as a phone?

  • Well, That’s Garbage


If you’ve ever stressed about how much money to give for “presentation” at a wedding, you’re likely to receive this advice, with the certainty of a priest repeating a commandment:

 “Oh, you have to at least cover the cost of your meal.”

  • The Intersection with Jodie Layne

    As almost any good Winnipegger knows, we live for the tiny window of months in the year that we can leave the house without a jacket or wear a dress without tights underneath.

  • Critical Hit with Drew Nordman

    It’s never been a better time to be a nerd. Nothing truly exemplifies this sentiment more than the proliferation of comic book to film adaptations of the past few years. Not only are these movies steadily increasing in quality, they’re also consistently making a killing at the box office, proving how worthy these stories are of admiration. Year after year, audiences show up in droves to see the latest installments of their favorite heroes gracing the big screen.

  • The Intersection with Jodie Layne

    It’s well-documented that online spaces are often hostile for women – the more marginalized, the worse the online abuse often is. This past year has been a shitshow (for lack of a more accurate term) for women online. From Anita Sarkeesian’s death threats over her video game trope series to Hugo Schwyzer’s total attack on Flavia Dzodan and this week’s horrific demonstration of rape culture at the University of Ottawa, there have been too many high-profile incidents of harassment, threats of violence and attempted silencing of women on the Internet to count. 

  • Still breathing but barely

    When I turned 18 I did the typical tour of Winnipeg’s cool places. The places I knew I should like, that came with high recommendations from older friends. Where you could see the best bands, get cheap beers, and finally see for yourself the places whose mythologies had become part of our city’s collective consciousness (“Did you hear they found a dead body in the walls at the Collective?”).

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