
  • Syphilis outbreak not expected to slow down

    Local health authorities are continuing the fight to control the syphilis outbreak in Winnipeg.

  • So fresh and so clean

    An established downtown Winnipeg recording studio is soldiering on, but under a different name and management.

  • A need to know basis

    On the morning of Oct. 22, after murdering Cpl. Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial, a gunman entered the Centre Block on Parliament Hill and opened fire, injuring three people before being incapacitated.

  • Exploring the faith

    Two weeks ago the country was shaken by the deaths of two men in uniform.

  • Brewing potential

    For Manitoba craft beer enthusiasts, the most alluring aspect of the new draft beer growler bars is the low price. For small business owners, it’s the newly laid path to a less expensive method of distribution.

  • Rock the… nope

    Young people, and University of Winnipeg students in particular, are notoriously passionate about political and social issues. Yet it seems young Winnipeggers are disengaged from local politics.

  • Moventum

    Like whiskers to handlebars, Movember has grown quite a bit in recent years, not only in popularity, but also in scope and success.

  • Bowman promises big things

    Winnipeg’s new mayor enters the job with an ambitious to-do list, and many of his larger campaign pledges will require much more than city council’s support before they get off the ground.

  • Finding answers in the paranormal

    For those tired of tasteless costumes and mini-chocolate bar-induced stomach aches, this is an opportunity to bring the Halloween spirit back by diving into some spooky local history.

  • Propping up The Tallest Poppy

    After closing up the doors to its Main Street incarnation early last year, popular all day eatery The Tallest Poppy has a new lease on life.

  • A rally for two-wheelers

    It’s been a solid few months for the cycling community in Winnipeg. In September, the new bike lane on Sherbrook Street was unveiled, and hundreds of cyclists bike jammed it around town for Nuit Blanche. Most recently, Bike Winnipeg revealed that five out of eight candidates who ran for municipal office wanted to see a doubling of investment in cycling routes. It’s a mighty good time for Winnipeg’s inaugural hosting of the Canadian Cyclocross Championship (the first national event was hosted in Toronto in 1997, and there’s been annual contests since).

  • Hangin’ at the Handsome

    Like a phoenix, the venue that used to be The Rose n’ Bee, The Standard and Hooligan’s has risen again, this time as The Handsome Daughter.

  • Knowledge is power

    Uncap your Sharpies and empty your book bag, Broken Pencil’s festival of zine culture and independent arts will happen in conjunction with the seventh annual Anarchist Bookfair & DIY Fest this year.

  • Election Streeter 2014

    Comedian Aaron Pridham asks University of Winnipeg students what they think of Judy Wasylycia-Leis changing her name, Gord Steeves writing greeting cards, fictional candidate Aaron Pridham enforcing bike helmet laws and more things that are untrue in this election streeter video.

  • Austere artistry

    It’s a remarkable thing to witness a mayoral forum on arts funding devolve into musings about potholes.

  • Dear Future Mayor…

    We asked various Winnipeg residents to write letters to the future mayor. Whichever candidate is elected on October 22, we hope they take these ideas (along with tweets, rants and hopes) to heart.

  • Whose house? Futuremayor’s house.

    Several hundred years from now and several hundred feet below Portage and Main, Futuremayor sits in the dilapidated laser-pyramid known as City Hall. The mayor’s job has changed plenty over the years. Since humans no longer exist, Futuremayor (who was engineered to rule with an iron claw) watches over the vast wasteland that is Winnipeg through a periscope found at the Brady Road landfill. 

  • The Uniter’s Voter Guide

     Due to space restrictions, The Uniter has only included the mayoral candidates and councillor candidates running in the core areas of the city. Check out for more election coverage.

  • Farewell your worship

    I remember the first and only time I met Mayor Sam Katz.

  • Meet your mayoral candidates: Michel Fillion

    At first blush, it seems easy to count Michel Fillion out as a viable mayoral candidate. His soundbites and publicity stunts don’t sit well with the public’s opinion of what makes a good mayor (but then again, the Toronto public elected Rob Ford). 

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