
  • Campus News Briefs

    Punk prophet to kick off speaker series; U of W ranks high in Globe and Mail report; Largest donation to Canadian law school; Clinton accepts honour from McGill University

  • UWSA pushes province for more funding

    In a recent consultation with the Council on Post-Secondary Education (COPSE) to determine next year’s funding for the university, University of Winnipeg Students’ Association vice-president advocate David EisBrenner voiced funding concerns on behalf of University of Winnipeg students. In the proposal, EisBrenner advocated for dedicated and increased funding for the U of W.

  • Scientifically speaking

    University of Winnipeg students are the youngest in Canada to be talking science with children in the community – not only teaching them science, but allowing them to get some hands-on experience with science experiments.

  • Hooked on a feeling

    Wesmen women’s basketball co-captain Jessica Stromberg is in her fifth year with the program. In her first four years, Stromberg has been to the Prairies Finals four times and the CanWest finals twice. In her final year, she hopes to make it to the National Championships.

  • Challenging but rewarding

    From the Soleflow Dance Club to Youth for Christ, University of Winnipeg students have a diverse selection of student groups. And with new groups being created each year, students can easily find their niche.

  • Searching for a room of one’s own

    Meeting with professors on campus can be a challenging task. Faculty and students have busy schedules and office hours can be random and inconvenient. But some students and professors have another impediment when it comes to meeting outside the classroom – they have nowhere to meet.

  • Campus News Briefs

    Trick or treat for a good cause; EcoPIA, Mennonite historian honoured with fall awards; U of M-led research team awarded funding to study H1N1; Campus security van goes green

  • Uncertified organic

    The demand for organic fruits and vegetables is growing. Organic products aren’t sprayed by chemicals and are often less genetically modified.

  • Big classes versus small classes:  Large university classes cause students to suffer

    If you’re a first-year student at the University of Manitoba, you’ve probably been struck by the enormity of many of your classes. But if you’re a first-year student at the University of Winnipeg, you’ve likely noticed your class sizes differ little from high school.

  • Campaigning for accessibility

    The University of Winnipeg’s Disability Student Advisory Group is launching a letter-writing campaign to have the Disability Resource Centre permanently relocated. The group has been calling for the DRC to be moved for the past two years.

  • Campus News Briefs

    Drink up, Ryerson!; Have a seat!; Construction begins at old Army Surplus site; We’re a bunch of nerds!; Distance ed growing at Red River College

  • U of W students lose connection

    If you’re among the hundreds of students who bring their laptops to school, you’ve probably noticed problems trying to get online. During the past two weeks issues with the student network have increased.

  • UWSA board holds directors accountable

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association board of directors voted unanimously on Sept. 28 for the removal of former UWSA president Vinay Iyer from his position as Canadian Federation of Students liaison director. There are now 10 director positions to be filled in the upcoming by-elections on Nov. 16 to 19.

  • Bisons win pre-season Duckworth Challenge

    The University of Winnipeg Wesmen basketball and volleyball teams were taken for a rough ride at the 2009 Duckworth Challenge, which ran Oct. 6 and 7, losing the tournament to the University of Manitoba Bisons.

  • Mental focus the emphasis for Kruschel

    There’s no doubt that Carleen Kruschel has the skills to succeed and the focus to win.

  • A tight squeeze

    A communal sigh of relief accompanied last Friday’s launch of the ninth edition of Juice, the University of Winnipeg’s student creative writing journal. This year, the journal, which in the past received the majority of its funding from the UWSA, scrambled to secure funds from other sources to cover publishing costs.

  • No Duff

    Today, watching Wesmen volleyball star Justin Duff, it’s hard to believe that in Grade 9 he was cut from his junior varsity team. The six-foot-seven middle hit a growth spurt during Grade 9 and tried out again in Grade 10.

  • When it’s more than just stress…

    Mental Health Awareness Week is Oct. 4-10 and students across Canada should pay attention.

  • Security in numbers

    The UWSA SafeWalk program is gearing up for another year by recruiting volunteers to escort students, faculty and staff to their car, bus stop or residence at night. Six volunteers have been hired, with the hope of hiring one or two more.

  • Campus News Briefs

    Attention winter wait listers!; Qualitative research group available; Gallery 1C03 hosts wind coil sound flow; U of M jazz student wins national award; Reappointment of CFS Local 8 representative

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