Thomas Pashko

Managing editor  

  • You really like me!

    Like many movie nerds, I spent this past Sunday evening watching the Academy Awards. Curled up on my couch with a bowl of popcorn, I settled in for what is essentially my Super Bowl.

  • Physician, heal thyself

    One’s relationship to their family doctor is a weirdly personal one. On paper, it’s professional, with its own legal dynamics and bureaucracy. But it’s intimate. Your doctor knows more about your body than anyone else. Your life is sometimes literally in their hands. If you’ve had the same doctor since childhood, it can be one of life’s longest relationships. So when your doctor fails you, it’s more than a professional slight – it’s a deep betrayal.

  • Winnipeg claims methane sales could lower emissions

    The City of Winnipeg claims a proposed plan to start selling methane produced at the Brady Road Landfill could help lower the city’s greenhouse-gas emissions.

  • City briefs

    UWSA polls close // Severe late-winter snowfalls // Province to expand labour protections // Former PM Mulroney dies // CMHR architect dies // Gillingham supports opening Portage & Main

  • A problem of priorities

    Anyone who’s been reading The Uniter for a while has probably read me complaining about Winnipeg’s car-centric philosophy more than once. It’s a favourite topic of mine. As someone who doesn’t own a car and relies on sidewalks and transit to get around, it impacts me pretty directly.

  • City briefs

    Massive airport coke bust // Changes to nursing requirements // Former Blue Bomber Craig Roh dies // Dry winter spells drought for province // Weidman Warehouse destroyed by fire // MP Blaikie resigns

  • The obituary from Hell

    While editing local news stories for this week’s issue of The Uniter, I was distracted by a news alert on my phone. I usually pay these no mind when I’m deep in production of the paper, but the photo in my peripheral vision caught my eye. The long hair and dark eyes were unmistakably those of comedian and actor Richard Lewis.

  • Please read responsibly

    In order to write the news, you also have to read the news.

  • Critipeg: How to Have Sex

    Plays Feb. 16 to 29 at Cinematheque

  • Bogus budget

    On Feb. 7, Winnipeg Mayor Scott Gillingham released the city’s preliminary budget for 2024 to 2027. Frustratingly, it’s the work of a city hall still dedicated to protecting the interests of wealthy property owners at the expense of the poor and working-class people who actually need help.

  • A call against brutality

    January 2024 is coming to an end, and, already, the Winnipeg Police Service has killed another person.

  • The cheque’s in the mail

    If you’ve read the news in the past week, you may have heard that Canada Post is in crisis. On Jan. 16, the Crown corporation announced that it's selling off its IT and logistics departments to private companies. The move is financially motivated – Canada Post reported a loss of over half a billion dollars in 2022.

  • Critipeg: True Detective: Night Country

    “Part 1” streaming now on Crave.

  • Signs of the times

    Like most cities, Winnipeg’s buildings tell a story about its past. Well, maybe it’s not a single story with a clearly defined arc. Perhaps, more accurately, Winnipeg’s buildings are a scattershot anthology of short stories. They range from the old and beautifully preserved to the rundown and decrepit, from quaint character neighbourhoods to rows of identical strip malls, like so many cubes of Lego, devoid of any personality whatsoever.

  • Backsliding on campus

    On Wednesday, between editing articles for this issue of the paper, I took a detour to Riddell Hall to get myself a coffee. On the way there, I was greeted by an unpleasant sight: a student had set up a table passing out merchandise for federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre.

  • Reflections on a decade at The Uniter

    This week marks a major anniversary for me. Ten years ago, in the early days of 2014, I first started writing for The Uniter. For the past decade, this newspaper has been my life.

  • City briefs

    Google strikes deal on Canadian news // Mass shooting in West Broadway // Globe and Mail names Winnipeg third most livable city // CN Rail files suit against protesters // Embattled school trustee resigns // True North requests extension on Portage Place redevelopment

  • Uniter 30 outtakes

    Tabulating the votes for the Uniter 30 every year is an emotional rollercoaster. Some years it’s fun. Others, boring. Depending on my mood, it’s a task I either look forward to or dread. No part of the psychological experience oscillates more wildly than the joke votes.

  • Favourite Winnipegger abroad

    1. Chris Jericho

    2. Guy Maddin

    3. Brit Kornell

  • Favourite local achiever over 60

    1. Fred Penner

    2. Karen Fuhr

    3. Lara Rae

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