Anastasia Chipelski

  • Volunteers make it happen

    Next week we’ll take a break from printing a paper, and we’re moving the weekly Uniter party over to for an online-only issue.

  • PROFile - Dr. Katherine Breward

    Dr. Katherine Breward could be working in psychology, but she chose business for the chance to help people directly.

  • News briefs

    Indigenous perspectives on land // Downtown Commons opens // UWSA by election // Fall in love with Winnipeg // Future of feminist activism // Launch a pop-up

  • What’s in a name?

    We looked into the history of the name Wesmen this issue, which involved some digging in the archives and poking around in history books. With all this talk of names and meanings, perhaps this is a good time to also start looking at what a Uniter is.

  • News Briefs

    City Integrity Commissioner // Peace for West Central // Trees and tots // Learn about Co-op program // Sharing coming out stories // Student group fair

  • Meet Your Media

    Do you ever flip through the pages of The Uniter and wonder, “How could I get my work in there? Why don’t they write a story about me?”

  • News Briefs

    Reduced speeds in school zones // Wesmen women’s soccer home opener // Grad funding FAQ // Downtown conference in 2017 // U of W celebrates SSHRC funding // Arthritis awareness forum

  • Foraging For Stories

    We at The Uniter are committed to telling the stories that aren’t being told in other news outlets, and often this means a little extra digging.

  • News Briefs

    Bike culture downtown // Curbside treasures // Games volunteers needed // New coffee and old books // Rock climbing challenge

  • The Column

    When I first got sober and worried about people’s reactions, a wise friend told me that other people’s responses were more about them than me. 

  • Welcome Back

    We’re back with a fresh new paper for you! If this whole newspaper business is new to you, welcome! I’ll give you a brief tour. 

  • Reunite with your ride

    How cyclists can improve their chances of recovering a stolen bike

  • FallJam5

    August 26 to 27: A one-man-made Manitoba festival

  • Stay close to home this summer

    Why you should ditch the big festivals for local fare this season

  • Fire and Water Music Festival

    July 29 to 31: Camp by the waterfront and enjoy some fan favourites

  • núna (now)

    May 26 to July 23: Festival considers modern ties to Iceland as artists converge in Winnipeg

  • Asham Stomperfest

    July 15 to 17: Keeping history alive and well through the fiddle and the Red River Jig

  • Aboriginal Day Live

    June 25: Perfect timing for new collaborations in festival’s 10th year

  • Manitoba Summer Fair

    June 8 to 12: A classic Canadian fair with fun and modern twists

  • New Bothwell Wine and Cheese Festival

    June 4: Town celebrates the tasty products they're best known for 

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