FIVE STAR TRAILER PARK - The Fight That Broke Your Heart

To all you psuedo-gruff-alt-rock musicians across this nation: Stop. Please stop. We have great music in this country, but every time one of you groups gets together (you know who you are – the ones with the bird tattoos), it hurts our cred. Like Toronto natives Five Star Trailer Park. Lyrically,The Fight That Broke Our Heart is about as predictable as a Scooby-Doo cartoon. There’s a game I play with albums like this called “Guess the rhyming (band) lyric.” The game is easiest when played with Snow Patrol, but Five Star Trailer Park is just as adequately trite. They lack any discernible inventiveness and painfully attempt to strike mass emotional chords repeatedly. When it comes to the music, it’s business. Nothing is great, and nothing is really that horrible either. It sounds like weak Power 97. So the question is: what’s the point?

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