SEA WOLF - White Water, White Bloom

Sea Wolf’s ambitious sophomore album revolves around nature and the loneliness of winter in an impressively sweeping musical collective. White Water, White Bloom entangles densely poetic lyrics with inventive indie folk melodies and strong acoustic guitar driven rhythms. The album is littered with quality orchestral licks and carried passionately by Alex Brown Church’s hauntingly honest voice. Oh Maria would be the love child of Franz Ferdinand and Bright Eyes, with wailing vocals overtop catchy throbbing percussion. A technically brilliant album, White Water, White Bloom was recorded by Bright Eyes producer Mike Mogis, whose experience rubs off greatly on the finished project. Church wrote most songs while in love in Montreal, with the city’s landscape impacting his interpretation of the seasons. All told, White Water is just good quality easy listening.

Published in Volume 64, Number 20 of The Uniter (February 25, 2010)

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