Campaign Life Coalition demonstrations

  • Joan Hay, Community helper,  Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre

    Since they don’t perform abortions (at the Women’s Health Clinic on Graham Avenue) I don’t know if it’s proper or if it’s even relevant. To me there are probably more constructive things they could do.

  • Charlotte Burrough, Third year student, statistics

    I don’t think that they are going to get very far by doing that because people are still going to want abortions. It is just going to make people feel uncomfortable.

  • Terence Fuller, Film technician

    Obviously everybody has the rights to their own opinions…but it’s ridiculous trying to dictate others’ lives, especially when they are going through hard times.

  • Vince Thompson, Second year student, psychology/statistics

    It bugs the piss out of me.

  • Christine Neale, Administrative assistant, Salvation Army

    I have mixed feelings about it. I think we need to protect the eyes of living children. I have seen some pro-life campaigns with the grossest pictures.

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