• Supporting survivors of sexual harassment and assault

    Many of us have heard stories, whether from the news, close friends, relatives or coworkers, about how sexual harassment and assault have impacted their lives. Some of us might have stories of our own. For those who do not, it can be difficult to know how to link arms with survivors and continue advocating against sexual harassment and assault together.

  • What I’m trying to do

    I’m thinking about this vision I had for my life as a kid. I saw myself living in a hundred-year-old bungalow, with creaky floors and incense burning and classical music on the radio. There were cats, and maybe someone who loved me living their life in tandem with mine.

  • Debunking the myth of a better self

    The Christmas I was in kindergarten, my aunts gifted me a really cute denim jacket – the kind I would be stoked to wear today. I remember looking at my five-year-old self in the mirror as I tried it on, and feeling, for the first time, deeply ashamed of my body. I looked … big, which in my mind, already equated to bad. This was the first time I decided I was ugly. (It wasn’t the jacket’s fault.)

  • Real life tales of autism

    Jeremy Morantz is a Creative Communications student who studied at the University of Winnipeg (U of W) and is now publishing a book to commemorate and celebrate the life of his late brother, Nathan, who lived with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The book is titled What Does He Dream About?

  • Garry Thomas Morse visits the U of W

    The University of Winnipeg (U of W) will host Garry Thomas Morse as he shares his literary knowledge and experience with students and community members in the city.

  • News briefs

    Number symbols in brain and mind // Breakfast with the Bears // Scrabble Wednesdays // Screening of Angry Inuk // How changing winters affect ecosystems and communities // Workshop: The Bicycle & The Body

  • Outdigenous

    When I set out to write a piece about safe spaces, I quickly realized something: I had no idea what a safe space really meant.

  • Talking about Treaties

    For White Spotted Horse, a treaty isn’t a contract; it’s a relationship.

  • Window art

    Windows invite mutual observation. What’s outside the window looks in, and what’s inside the window looks out. At the Window project, people look in, but it’s art that looks back out.

  • Arts briefs

    Michael Boss’ Reverence at MHC Gallery // Intimate Apparel at Winnipeg Jewish Theatre // Tough Love with Jennifer Smith // Winnipeg Film Group Members’ Screening // Book launch for Canadian Justice, Indigenous Injustice // Metalfest fundraiser, with ridiculously niche tributes!

  • CRITPEG: The Price of Everything

    Fundamentally, art is the reflection of human experience focused through creative expression. 

  • Whose House? Jessica’s House!

    Jessica Antony is a child of Winnipeg’s core. She grew up in south Osborne, went to Gordon Bell High School and the University of Winnipeg (U of W), and she still lives a stone’s throw from it all.

  • Write through january

    As this issue hits the stands, we’ll be in the tail end of January, a dark, cold month in Winnipeg.

  • The bones we’ve saved, and still live in

    The Historical Building and Resources Committee (HBRC) met for the first time on July 19, 2014, providing municipal support for heritage sites in the city that had previously been given status and support through the provincial government, or through groups like the Manitoba Historical Society and Heritage Winnipeg.

  • Gruel

    A comic by Keegan Steele.

  • Screen-Based Activism

    We live in an age where our voices can be heard by the masses with just a few clicks of a button.

  • The Lux Project: Digitizing the Hetherington Collection

    The Hetherington Collection contains about 450 near-Egyptian artifacts from ancient times and has been with the University of Winnipeg (U of W) for around 100 years.

  • In support of Metis students

    The University of Winnipeg (U of W) has issued a call for donations to fund bursaries for Métis students. The Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) has offered to match these donations up to $30,000.

  • The new (affordable housing) market

    Quebec-based architecture firm Daoust Lestage’s “New Market Square” was announced as the winning design of the Market Lands Design Competition on Dec. 31, 2018.

  • Taking downtown out of the dark

    A new grant program from the City of Winnipeg is aimed at making downtown building owners reconsider lighting as a design element.

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